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Finesse CCX REason Code Modification request

Customer is currently running CCX 10.5 with Finesse 10.5 and is moving first to 11.6 and then later this year upgrading to 12.x globally.

The request has been made to be able to have the Supervisor add/modify/remove Wrap-Up Reason codes for the specific Team that they manage.  This is a feature that they had with CAD.

From reading the Administrative Guide, it looks like only the Platform Administrator can do this, at least in 10.5.

In either 11.6 or 12.0, is it possible for the Team Supervisor to manage their Team's Wrap-up codes while the Platform Admionistrator manages the Global and the Team specific codes?

3 Replies 3

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
CCX wrap-up codes in Finesse are manages through Finesse Administration, and as far as I know, the user needs to be set as an application admin to login to Finesse admin. This is different from the platform admin role though, but they will see all global codes and teams.

The concern the customer will have is does the App Admin privilages be more than what we would want to give these click happy supervisors.  Would there be a way to add restrictions so that they would only be able to see the codes area and not other applications?

As far as I know, there are no restrictions. Once set as an App Admin, they can see all. I had a supervisor set to be an app admin just to add phone book entries....and it makes me super nervous every time she logs in.