Hello everyone,
I have a CCX 12.5.1 and I'm trying to change how Supervisors are seeing Recent Calls history and Recent States history from Agents. When a Supervisor clicks on "view history" button from an Agent they have this view:
As we can see above, it shows the Agent ID from this particular Agent and the change that I'm trying to apply is to show the AgentName from this Agent. Searching into the XML script I found out the line and variables that make reference to this gadget from Supervisor profile:
<gadget managedBy="team-performance">https://localhost:8445/cuicui/gadget/LiveData/LiveDataGadget.xml?gadgetHeight=275&viewId=D6D0B6740B0040D5A089FD1C09F5C72C&filterId=AgentCallLogDetailStats.agentID=AgentEvent:Id&type=dynamic&maxRows=20</gadget>
<gadget managedBy="team-performance">https://localhost:8445/cuicui/gadget/LiveData/LiveDataGadget.xml?gadgetHeight=275&viewId=5D411E8A10000140000000230A4E5E6B&filterId=AgentStateDetailStats.agentID=AgentEvent:Id&type=dynamic&maxRows=20</gadget>
I've changed the "Id" (in red on the script above) to "Name" and it worked, however, there is no information from recent call history and state history after applying this change into the default XML script:
Does someone know what else I have to change on the XML script to achieve successfully?