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Read doc in ucce, pcce vs uccx

Level 6
Level 6

In uccx, you can create a script to read an xml formated doc for say holiday period so the scripts checks the doc and if a holiday schedule is then maybe close, play new message etc. I seem to remember this is not possible with Pcce or ucce, it can not do a doc read in the same way as uccx-the only option is to do a DB walker integration into a sql DB or make use of call studio which can read a xml type doc - is this correct


UCCX can read a doc 

Pcce, ucce either dB lookup or needs call studio, it can do a straight doc read?



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Chris Deren
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This is most commonly handled via admin scripts in UCCE/PCCE which is much easier than CCX. You defined persistent user variables that you set to 1 if today's date is a holiday in the admin script and then the routing script checks the value of this variable to determine how to route the call. If you want your admin script to lookup the holiday schedule from a DB/etc instead of having them codec in the script you could do that as well.

Hi chris

Ive designed ucce to do lookup in its sql tables via dbwalker or within the
actual script via check date and with xml docs in uccx but I checking if
you can do xml docs in ucce pcce which I don't think you can?

The reason is in a uccx system you can allow a supervisor to add, change
dates in a form to add new ad-hoc holidays such as firm closing which may
not be a bank holiday as such. We would like the same in pcce, ucce rather
than go into dB sql table or can you do xml forms with call studio


You could do something similar with CVP Studio scripts and web services connection where you could read XML/JSON/etc. But it's most common to do this via admin scripts and you could create a routing script for supervisors/etc to dial in and set the global variables by selecting options in IVR/etc.

Ho Chris

I think I know the answers but need to confirm my thinking

Thanks for your replies I'm happy with administration script running with
fixed days and have also configured a dial in method-I've used both methods
myself . However we replacing another call center which supervisors can
access an external doc and add ad-hoc dates which are not in the
administration script and then remove them after the ad-hoc themselves -
similar to uccx festure. So I was looking for a confirmed direction on
whether pcce, ucce can have a step node in the script editor which can
reference a document on an external drive, location somewhere outside of

Or do we need to use call studio feature so to transfer a call from script
editor in to call studio for this purpose

Thanks again

While you're familiar with the XML method of doing things, this is just an old way of doing things which was mainly used to get around UCCX licensing. If you have the license in CCX and with a bit of CVP Studio knowledge using a DB to manage schedules and emergencies is the way to go. You can then layer on top of that DB a front end, with use rights and logging as well as redundancy. If you're moving to CCE, leave XML files behind.



Thanks for reply
I'm not suggesting that we use xml in pcce or ucce, the question is that I
do not believe you can use the xml feature. I'm all for to use call studio,
dB lookup a simple use them all the time but I need to obtain
confirmation that you can not use xml in pcce, ucce. I need to confirm my
thoughts and I can tell a colleague it can not done as they are under the
impression that they can still use xml in a new pcce, UCCE

Can you read an XML file in an ICM script, no. Can you read an XML file in CCE, yes if you use an IVR (CVP/IP IVR).



Just to re-enforce my thoughts. I don't want use xml method which uccx uses
but I need confirmation that it can not be used when deploying pcce or ucce
unless you make use of call studio or you use a DB lookup so I can update
other people


A DBLookup node has nothing to do with XML. That's my only clarification based on your statement.



Let me re-phase my question

Current call centre has a script which has fixed holiday dates in
it-christmas, thanks giving etc. These dates are held on an external doc
which the call centre reads per call, the doc is maybe stored on the
supervisors own desktop . The supervisor can added extra dates to the same
doc if say the company gives everyone an extra day off

Now, they are looking to migrate to pcce, ucce

If pcce, ucce is designed to work with icm script editor only then I can
create within the script a check node to check what the current date is and
compare against known holidays and then continue as normal - working date
or if it an holiday play prompt. Another way is to use a sql dB to hold the
dates outside the script editor to do the same thing

Or use call studio which allows the script designer to configure an
external document - similar to their existing set up


If the supervisor wishes to add an extra day off then if they use icm
script editor only, then they need to modify the actual icm script editor
or if they use sql table then modify the sql table

The only way to modify the dates in the same way as their existing system
is to use call studio

So within icm script editor only then on external doc reference. If they
want an external doc then they need to include call studio

Is my understanding correct?

Or put it another way

Unless you use call studio with Pcce or ucce, you can not get icm script
editor to access an external doc?

Is this correct?






Thank you for answer.
That was my thinking.

So now I need to speak to the engineer as they are looking to suggest the
supervisor access the script editor to do the date changes-which in my view
is dangerous . I guess the engineer thinks doing it all in script editor is
easier for him may be he doesn't have call studio knowledge which I guess
from point of view is fair enough but not from mine

Chintan Gajjar
Level 8
Level 8


CVP 11.0 onwards Call studio includes two element:


1) Rest Client:

using this element you can access external XML file hosted on web server using HTTP GET.

The element has built in XPath/JSONPath, which you can use to extract particular data from the retrieved XML doc.


2) Set Value Element:

if Xpath/JSONPath in above element does not work, or if you want to extract more than one field from XML doc use this set value element, here you can invoke a small java script code within substitution builder which will extract particular value from XML body obtained from Rest Client element above and store that in local variables.


Unified CVP Utility for Java Scripts


var xml = {Data.Element.Rest_Client_01.response_body};

XpathUtil.eval(xml , "/Results/customer");


its just matter of doing some more research on the topic and you have what you are looking for.