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Supervisor can silent monitor but can not hear the Agent

Level 1
Level 1

Hello all,

I'm having an issue where a call center supervisor originally could not silent monitor an agent at all.

The first thing I figured out that I thought had resolved the issue was the "span to pc port" option in call manage on the device was not enabled.  So I enabled it and reset the phone and it started to work, or so we though.  The supervisor called me back about an hour later saying he could hear the caller talking, but not his agent.

I have been digging through manuals and everything I can find on google.  I've asked around and even asked an engineer and been given plenty of things to check, but nothing has turned out.

- Span to PC Port is enabled

- Advertise G.722 Codec is disabled

- Firewall on PC is disabled

- NIC and PC agent is using is the same as every other agent that works

- Agent is assigned all the correct skills and teams in UCCX Administration

- Agent is enabled for monitoring in UCCX Desktop Administrator

I'm at my end of knowledge for things to look for here and still haven't come to a resolution.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

11 Replies 11

Deepak Rawat
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Please find below the troubleshooting steps you should perform again just to make sure everything is in place

Go to agent's phone in CUCM whom you want to monitor or record and check these parameters:

1) Span to PC port --> Must be enabled.

2) PC Port --> Must be Enabled.

3) PC Voice VLAN Access --> Must be Enabled.

4) Advertise G722 codec" --> MUST be Disabled

5) The agents extension should be Unique on Call Manager, the lines that are
going to be monitored or recorded must not be shared lines.

--------------------UCCX side------------------------------

 1) Please open "Cisco Desktop Administrator"

 2) Then go to Services Configuration --> Multiline, Monitoring and
Recording--> VOIP Monitoring Device

Make sure that default "Monitor Service" is selected and "Desktop Monitoring" is enabled for each agent

------------------- Agent side -----------------------------

1) The phone should be daisy chained. (Computer --- connected to--> IP Phone -- connects to ---> Network).

2) On C:\Program Files or Progrma Files x86\Cisco\Desktop\bin ---> PostInstall.exe -> This should have the correct IP address of the NIC card that the computer is using. (If the computer is using 2 NIC cards (Wireless and Lan), one of them should be disabled. So, if they leave the LAN NIC enable, they should be using that IP address on Postinstall.exe (check on both the Agent and Supervisor PC)

3) All the Antivirus and Firewall on the Agents' and Supervisors' PCs should be disabled.

 ----------------------------- Other things to check--------------------------

1) NIC binding should have the NIC used to record as the first one at the Agent and Supervisor PCs.

My Network Places -> right click -> properties -> Advanced -> Advanced settings -> the recording NIC should be the first one at the connection field. If not, correct it and reboot the PC.

2) Recording Count should NOT be less:

Go to Cisco Unified CCX Administration --> System > System Parameters and set the number of the recording count appropriately.

If the above had been checked and is fine, then make sure the ports as mentioned in the below guide are opened:

To be honest, most of the times as per my experience I found monitoring and recording to fail more because of the customer environment that can be anything such as firewall, antivirus, domain policy, ports blockage etc rather than an issue on the server side



Everything except the NIC Binding's I have already checked and are all correct.

One discrepancy I have found.

2) On C:\Program Files or Progrma Files x86\Cisco\Desktop\bin ---> PostInstall.exe -> This should have the correct IP address of the NIC card that the computer is using. (If the computer is using 2 NIC cards (Wireless and Lan), one of them should be disabled. So, if they leave the LAN NIC enable, they should be using that IP address on Postinstall.exe (check on both the Agent and Supervisor PC)

When I run PostInstall.exe from the Agents computer, it already points to the UCCX server, which is also the configuration another troubleshooting guide I found said to do. 

You however said, and other guides I found said, that it needs to match that PC's NIC IP address... So I'm slightly confused on which it should be there.

You are right that the box which first appears after you click on Postinstall.exe will show the IP Address of UCCX server but when you will click Ok, then you should see the correct NIC under Adapter >> IP Address.



Everything is correct.  I remotely connected and checked to verify the IP's matched and they did.

I had similar issue few months back and i varified each every config  settings on the list above step by step.

I opened a TAC case and they told me i need to make sure Antivirus and firewall is off on agent side and below ports should be open.

Now what i did was i set up a test PC with no firewall and Antivirus and it worked.

So MC fee HIPS was blocking the traffic.If you have tried all steps last step will be to set up and test machine and make sure all ports are open .I hope this helps.




Cisco Unified CCXServer

Will be any available port in Citrix






Cisco Desktop VoIP Monitor Service (SPAN-based monitoring), CAD (desktop monitoring)

Will be any available port in Citrix






Cisco Desktop Recording Service

Will be any available port in Citrix



chat presence


Chat Presence Service

Will be any available port in Citrix; Cisco Unified Presence server listens on 5060 (Default for SIP and configurable in Cisco Unified Presence server)

Bidirectional; and outbound on 5060

The ports are all preconfigured.  I work for a major health network that has all of these ports open by default on every system image, they can not be changed.  And the firewall is off, also.  Can't change that either.

Hey Deepak,

Thank you so much for this post. 

Ia m totally new to UCCX and I got few doubts, I would appreciate if you could help.

Here is my case description. 

We have multiple agent and only one agent the supervisor is not able to monitor. However, as far as configuration is concerned, it is matching with other user. Furthermore I did not find "Span to PC port" and "Advertise G722 codec" on device page. 

I also do not see this tabs/menu in UCCX

"1) Please open "Cisco Desktop Administrator" 

 2) Then go to Services Configuration --> Multiline, Monitoring and
Recording--> VOIP Monitoring Device 

Make sure that default "Monitor Service" is selected and "Desktop Monitoring" is enabled for each agent"

Please help if I can get these option from UCCX or any other application.

I am quite new to UCCX.

CUCM and UCCX version 10.5



Bill Mungaven
Level 1
Level 1

I'm in a UCCE/ICM/IPIVR environment but I believe this should work the same as a UCCX environment.

Something else to check is on the CUCM side, on the agent line, on the directory number configuration page, there is a field toward the bottom of the page called Monitoring Calling Search Space. I had trouble with CUCM-based silent monitoring not working until I created a CSS specifically for silent monitoring. The CSS doesn't have too many partitions in it but I couldn't get silent monitoring to work until I assigned this CSS to the Monitoring CSS field. The other thing I had to configure on the phone configuration page is built-in bridge had to be on, span to PC port and PC voice VLAN access both had to be enabled.


Bill what you are suggesting to do (Monitoring CSS and Built-In-Bridge) only applies when we are doing Silent monitoring for Finesse Agents using CM. What is doing here is Desktop based monitoring for CAD agents through UCCX only and hence that thing does not apply. Other settings though such as Span to PC Port, PC Voice Vlan access had been checked by him and is in place.



I missed the part he was doing desktop monitoring vs. CUCM-based monitoring. Desktop monitoring was always a hit or miss proposition on CAD when I was on version 7. When I upgraded to 9, I had to go to CUCM-based monitoring which solved all the PC/NIC compatibility issues I was constantly fighting.

I hope CUCM-based monitoring still works when I upgrade to 11+ and migrate from CAD to Finesse in the next year.

Sorry for the confusion.
