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UCCE 11.5 coresident deployment Cisco Unified Intelligence Center with Live Data and IdS

Hi, all,

I have installed UCCE 11.5 and CUIC 11.5 with Live Data and IdS.

Connection to AW is OK, also I add this server to Inventory - CUIC-LD-IdS Publisher - No Alerts

admin:show live-data aw-access

Primary AW access information:

 address      | port | db_name   | user
--------------+------+-----------+------ | 1433 | ucce_awdb | live

Test: Succeeded

Secondary AW access information:

 address      | port | db_name   | user
--------------+------+-----------+------ | 1433 | ucce_awdb | live

Test: Succeeded
Executed command successfully

But when I try to add set live-data cuic-datasource 8444 CUIC\administrator Cisco

I receive error like:

Error: Invalid side A Live Data configuration data

What is wrong, I collect all live data trace files and don't find any error related with: Error: Invalid side A Live Data configuration data

Could you help me solve a problem, what I could also check in configuration?


15 Replies 15

Senthil Kumar Sankar
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


  • Have you configured the Deployment Type in CCEAdmin Page. Are you using Progger (Lab only) or 2000 agent reference design
  • Have you configured the Live Data Machine Service
  • Also make sure you have installed the VM with right OVA template


Senthil Kumar

I have been through this in a lot of detail and can tell you that there a few "gotchas" that can trip you up.

The first one is that even if you think you should be using a Deployment Type of Progger (Lab only) because that's what you built, do not set that as your Deployment Type. It simply will not work.

Instead, set the Deployment Type to 4000 Agent Rogger. You can only use the coresident install of CUIC/LD/IdS for a 2000 agent design or for a progger in your lab. But the deployment type must be 4000 Agent Rogger.

Now you need to work on the Infrastructure. This must be absolutely correct - no alerts, 11.5 version showing. All the necessary items there.

Make sure you followed the instructions for the Live Data SQL user you created - this user is not like a CUIC user who can be read only. This user has extensive write capabilities to the AWDB and has the sysadmin role. It needs to write to the database!

Now you may wonder what the Live Data server is doing when it checks the Side A configuration. I could not figure this out from logs on the LD side, but debugged the SQL side and can tell you what the query is. If this fails to find any rows, it says that the Config is invalid.

ISNULL(Machine_Host.HostName, Machine_Address.Address) AS HostName, 
FROM Machine_Service 
INNER JOIN Machine_Host ON Machine_Host.MachineHostID=Machine_Service.MachineHostID 
INNER JOIN Machine_Address ON Machine_Address.MachineAddressID=Machine_Service.MachineAddressID 
WHERE Machine_Service.ServiceType=7 
OR Machine_Service.ServiceType=8 

You can see the important tables in the database - Machine_Service is critical. I wrote a query that fetches this table and joins to Machine_Host and Machine_Address and this is very useful. The most important things you must see are the TIP services on the Router and the PG. The ports listed there are also very important, and you can do netstat on those ports on the Router or PG to see if the box is listening and when it's working, you will see the IP address of the CUIC/LD/IdS there in the ESTABLISHED state.

This is the query. It's huge because of all the case statements but it has saved me a lot of time.

CASE mh.MachineType
WHEN 1 THEN 'VM Host (ESXi Server)'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Unified CCE Data Server'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Unified CCE Call Server'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Unified CVP'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Unified CM (unknown type)'
WHEN 6 THEN 'Unified CM Publisher'
WHEN 7 THEN 'Unified CM Subscriber'
WHEN 8 THEN 'Unified CVP Reporting Server'
WHEN 9 THEN 'Cores. CUIC, LD, and IdS Publisher'
WHEN 10 THEN 'Cores. CUIC, LD, and IdS Subscriber'
WHEN 11 THEN 'Unified CVP Operations Console Server'
WHEN 12 THEN 'Finesse'
WHEN 13 THEN 'Gateway'
WHEN 14 THEN 'External Social Miner'
WHEN 15 THEN 'External Unified CM Publisher'
WHEN 16 THEN 'External Unified CM Subscriber'
WHEN 17 THEN 'External CVP Reporting Server'
WHEN 18 THEN 'External CCE HDS'
WHEN 19 THEN 'External Media Sense'
WHEN 20 THEN 'External Enterprise Chat and Email'
WHEN 21 THEN 'External Third Party Multichannel'
WHEN 22 THEN 'Unified CCE Router'
WHEN 23 THEN 'Unified CCE Peripheral Gateway'
WHEN 24 THEN 'Unified CCE LiveData Server'
WHEN 25 THEN 'Unified CCE Primary AW'
WHEN 26 THEN 'Unified CCE Secondary AW'
WHEN 27 THEN 'Unified CCE Progger'
WHEN 28 THEN 'Unified CCE AW'
WHEN 29 THEN 'Unified CCE Rogger'
WHEN 30 THEN 'Enterprise Chat and Email'
WHEN 31 THEN 'Identity Server Publisher'
WHEN 32 THEN 'Identity Server Subscriber'
WHEN 33 THEN 'Finesse Primary'
WHEN 34 THEN 'Finesse Secondary'
WHEN 35 THEN 'Standalone Unified IC Publisher'
WHEN 36 THEN 'Standalone Unified IC Subscriber'
WHEN 37 THEN 'Cisco Virtualized Voice Browser'
ELSE 'Unknown'
END AS MachineTypeName,
CASE ServiceType
WHEN 1 THEN 'Peripheral Gateway TIP'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Router TIP'
WHEN 3 THEN 'LiveData Active MQ'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Peripheral Gateway TIP TOS'
WHEN 6 THEN 'LiveData Storm DRPC'
WHEN 7 THEN 'LiveData Socket.IO'
WHEN 8 THEN 'LiveData Web Service Rest API'
WHEN 9 THEN 'LiveData Cassandra'
WHEN 10 THEN 'Administration & Data Server (AW) Rest API'
WHEN 11 THEN 'Media Routing Peripheral Gateway Connection'
WHEN 1003 THEN 'Diagnostic Portal'
WHEN 1004 THEN 'ISE Authentication'
WHEN 1005 THEN 'Gateway'
WHEN 1006 THEN 'Management Link'
WHEN 1007 THEN 'Administration'
WHEN 1008 THEN 'SocialMiner REST API'
WHEN 1009 THEN 'Media Routing Peripheral Gateway A'
WHEN 1010 THEN 'Media Routing Peripheral Gateway B'
WHEN 1011 THEN 'Principal AW'
WHEN 1012 THEN 'Context Service'
WHEN 1013 THEN 'Identity Server'
WHEN 1014 THEN 'Publisher/Primary Machine IP Address'
WHEN 1015 THEN 'Identity Server Primary Machine IP Address'
WHEN 1016 THEN 'Identity Server Secondary Machine IP'
ELSE 'Unknown'
END AS ServiceTypeName,
FROM Machine_Service AS ms
INNER JOIN Machine_Address AS ma ON (ms.MachineAddressID=ma.MachineAddressID)
INNER JOIN Machine_Host AS mh ON (mh.MachineHostID=ms.MachineHostID)
ORDER BY ms.AutoGenerated DESC, mh.MachineName ASC

Finally, to be able to run the GRANT SQL statements for your CUIC SQL user as shown in the install guide, you must give that user read permission to the master database. This is not obvious.

Gerard O'Rourke's Blog



When you set the deployment type as Progger (lab only deployment), use the API to add the machine inventory, make the necessary changes on the below XML,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<description>ActiveMQ Broker Service</description>
<description>Storm DRPC Service</description>
<description>LiveData Web Sockets Service</description>
<description>LiveData API Service</description>
<uri>http://<IPADDRESS-of CUIC PUB>/oamp</uri>
<hostName>FQDN of CUIC PUBLISHER</hostName>

Interesting post, Hari.

I opened a TAC case on my problem with setting the Deployment Type to 450 Agents Progger (lab only) after struggling with it for a week. The TAC engineer did not know and passed it up the line to the BU. After 5 days or so, the BU came back and told me to set the Deployment Model to 4000 Agents Rogger.

On a related point. I was caught out recently with a deployment where the UCOS machines (UCM, Finesse, CUIC/LD/IdS) are in a domain like and the Windows machines (Roggers, PGs, AWs) are in a domain like

When you create a Router or PG and use hostnames for the Public Connections (the Cisco recommended strategy), then the hostname for the Public Connection for that side is inserted in the Machine_Address table. It comes from a place in the registry I will describe in a second.

The DB Schema says that this column (called Address) can hold either an IP address or a hostname. Looks funny to see a hostname in a column called "Address", but that's the way it works. This is what is fetched from the AWDB by the Live Data server along with the TIP port and the TIP TOS port, and the LD server tries to make the connection to the Router or PG.

In my case, the LD server could not resolve the host name to an IP address. There is no ability with a UCOS machine to have a list of DNS suffixes to search on. simply did not resolve. At the CLI you could resolve but the UCOS box would not append that suffix.

I ended up changing the registry on the Roggers and PGs - under the TIP key there is the ListeningAddress. Whatever you entered in Web Setup (Router) or PG Set Up for the Public Connection for that side is pushed down the registry to the ListeningAddress. I replaced the hostname in that registry string with the IP address and the LD server started connecting to the TIP and TIP TOS ports. The ports are also under the TIP key.

In addition, I ended up with a infrastructure table that looked (in my opinion) a lot better - for now in the Address column, I just see IP addresses.



Hi Geoff,

I am facing the same error “Error: Invalid side A Live Data configuration data” .I have configured the following commands as per the guide .


1-) set live-data aw-access primary x.x.x.x 1433 tw360_awdb cuicsql  password ( cuicsql is the user that I have created in SQL and also given the access by running the below query successfully)

        ((USE master


            GRANT CONTROL ON CERTIFICATE :: UCCESymmetricKeyCertificate TO "cuicsql"

         GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON SYMMETRIC KEY :: UCCESymmetricKey TO "cuicsql" ))


This user also has the read/write permission , and the test to awdb is successful. x.x.x.x is my SPRAWLER.( SIMPLEX)


2) set live-data cuic-datasource Y.Y.Y.Y 8444 cuic\CUICAdmin password   ( This gives me the invalid error, Y.Y.Y.Y is my CUIC/LD/IDS all on one box )


3) There’s no error under system inventory and the Deployment Type is UCCE 4000 Agent Rogger. ( earlier it was progger but I changed it later as per your post )


4) Also I have changed the TIP key ListeningAddress to an IP-Address.


I am still not able to resolve this. Can you guide me on how to resolve this ?



It's very tricky to get right.

I would say the first thing to try is to use CUIC in caps here:

set live-data cuic-datasource Y.Y.Y.Y 8444 CUIC\CUICAdmin password

Not saying that's the answer, but at least give it a shot. I hope CUICAdmin is the super user and not the platform administrator.

The other thing to do is open SQL Management Studio, point it at your AWDB and run that query I posted above.

ISNULL(Machine_Host.HostName, Machine_Address.Address) AS HostName, 
FROM Machine_Service 
INNER JOIN Machine_Host ON Machine_Host.MachineHostID=Machine_Service.MachineHostID 
INNER JOIN Machine_Address ON Machine_Address.MachineAddressID=Machine_Service.MachineAddressID 
WHERE Machine_Service.ServiceType=7 
OR Machine_Service.ServiceType=8 

If this returns no rows it will never work.

All I can recommend is to shutdown your CUIC/LD/IdS, then shutdown the whole ICM platform, start Logger, Router, PG, AW in the approved sequence and wait until it's all happy, then crank up the CUIC/LD/IdS again. Give the CUIC/LD/IdS plenty of time to start up - it seems to take 10-13 minutes before all the services (Nimbus is typically the last) are running. Then issue the command and cross your fingers.

You can increase the trace levels in LD and pull the logs with RTMT, but my experience is that there is no detail around this failure. If Cisco readers know what we need to do to get precise tracing of the failure of set live-data cuic-datasource then please let us know.


Hi Geoff,

The query you mentioned above did not returned any row to me and as you said It is still not working. 

Also i was wondering what will be the password to login into IDS webpage . When I type this URl  https://Y.Y.Y.Y:8553/idsadmin/  I do get a Login page but as far as  I can recollect I did not entered any specific credentials for IDS during the install. What user id & Password we should use here . 

I guess i have to spend long long time before i can fix this.

Btw, I tried dropping you an email on but i got failure delivery which was expected as i know that you left HP long back.



Right - that query is issued by the Live Data server and if no rows come back, it simply fails and does not go to the next step.

The rows it is looking for, where Machine Service Type = 7 (LiveData Socket.IO) or Machine Service Type = 9 (LiveData Web Service Rest API) are automatically created when you add the coresident CUIC/LD/IdS in the CCE Admin - Infrastructure.

You don't do this - the system has to. And if they are not there, it is just frustrating to make them appear.

Yes - that is the IDS URL. 8553 is the port. I log in as the CUIC Super User.

I took early retirement at HP and joined eLoyalty over 3 years ago. Now I am at


Hi Geoff,

I was actually trying to do reverse engineering and see if it fixes the problem but the IDS credentials are not working . I can login into CUIC OAMP & Main Reporting Page with my super user " CUIC\cuicadmin" but same credentials on IDS login page is not working.

It says username/password is invalid. Quite strange and because of this i can't go and add the server manually in the inventory.



I am bumping this one for Muhammad Fahad Raza because the SQL query is relevant to the discussion "UCCE Ver 11 - Live data configuration Assistance"


Hi guys, 

I can see here quite hardcore discussion with SQL queries that are not mentioned in the install guides so will ask for help. Have Dev Environment of UCCE 11.5 with Progger 450agents (now Progger (Lab only) )

Installed coresident CUIC/LD/IdS as want to test SSO. Trust is built between ADFS-IdS, Test SSO button on IdS works). On cceadmin page I've added Finesse and CUIC-LD-IdS Publisher and Subscriber was auto added - so nothing unusual.

Now when I try to register components for SSO, this CUIC/LD/IdS publisher refuses to register:

The following machines failed to register or set SSO mode:

  • Invalid machine. Missing Default Identity Service

But on the inventory page there is no filed to provide Default Identity Service for IdS itself. 

I tried manually to update t_Machine_service table with Uri for this host but it didn't help. Changed deployment type to 4000 Rogger but no luck. Am I missing something obvious or this can be fixed with SQL/REST?


rest request gives this text:

  • <ssoComponentStatus>
  • <apiErrors>
  • <apiError>
  • <errorData>CUIC_PUBLISHER</errorData>
  • <errorDetail xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="valueErrorDetail">
  • <value>IDS_PRIMARY_REF</value>
  • </errorDetail>
  • <errorMessage>Machine requires service type IDS_PRIMARY_REF. Ensure that a uri is configured for this service that references the primary Cisco Identity Service for this machine.</errorMessage>
  • <errorType>inventory.machineTypeInfoNotValidServices</errorType>
  • </apiError>
  • </apiErrors>
  • <modeState>NOT_STARTED</modeState>
  • <name></name>
  • <refURL>/unifiedconfig/config/machineinventory/5045</refURL>
  • <registrationState>FAILED</registrationState>
  • <ssoTestPath></ssoTestPath>
  • </ssoComponentStatus>

Thank you

Irrespective of how the servers are configured, you should declare your deployment type as 4000 Agent Rogger.

Not sure if you are doing that, but I struggled for a week in the lab trying to get Live Data working and had to open a TAC case because I could not solve it. The BU got back to me through TAC and told me that piece of advice. I had declared the deployment model as a 450 agent Progger (lab only) because that was what it was. Once I changed it and rebuilt the infrastructure table I started to make real progress.

I am sorry I cannot specifically help on IdS - have not tackled SSO yet.


Hi Geoff,

Thank you for the reply. I've changed the deployment type but it wasn't helping. Checked one of the production system with co-resident CUIC/LD/IdS and it has some extra services showing when getting info through the REST API: Live Data is enabled, etc. So will try to setup that thing first, if no - just install standalone IdS.

Thank you,

UPD:  Rebooted after changing deployment type - then it worked) Now have troubles as my PGs are co-resident with central controller but that will be another story. Thank you for help

My mistake - should have mentioned that a reboot is required. Glad you sorted that out.

In my lab I also have the PGs coresident with Router/Logger - it is officially a duplexed Progger, but deployment type is set to 4000 Agent Rogger.

I do have Live Data working for that, but as I said, not IdS.
