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WebEx Contact Center - Even Inbound Call Distribution

Our company is currently updating their contact centers from CUCM/UCCE to WebEx Contact Center Cloud. Our specific contact center is a bit more complex than the others within the company and a major part of that complexity is that we have even inbound call distribution enabled in our current system (based on a combination of “Name Skills” and call counters). The new WebEx platform only allows for default “Longest Available Agent” for determining who gets the next inbound call. We have spoken with the engineers working on the update about other options, but they have not been able to identify alternative options at the moment.

Even inbound call distribution is important to us since the close rate on those is the highest among our sales channels. Because of that, the agents keep an eagle eye on reports to make sure nobody is getting an unfair amount of those opportunities.

Has anyone else encounter similar roadblocks with a contact center update or with WebEx Cloud Contact Center? If so, were you able to find a technical solution that worked for your group?

3 Replies 3

Wow that's such an interesting problem, have you considered changing your routing? Maybe something where you have individual queues and you randomly select who gets the next call. In a truly random order you will get very close to even distribution. So that would get you even distribution, you will then have to handle when people are not logged in or busy, but that should be easy by looking at agent stats.



Thanks for the suggestion David. That is an intriguing option to look in to for sure.

I had a similar requirement for a bank. They need an even distribution for their sales channel on the inbound ACD calls as it affects their commission. Unfortunately this group also utilizes some outbound, so some of the agents may get to back due to them taking a calls in the outbound Q.


The idea that I came with was not a great one but it needs customization and DB dips to the realtime table with a combination of PQ competency manipulations. Obviously there is a delta time where a particular agent may be incentivized, but that it is beyond the reach of this technology. Please note I did this for PCCE 11.6.


1. start of the day, all the agents starts with PQ competency of 5.

2. there is custom API written which peeks in to the realtime table to check if the agent has taken at least 1 sales call in that PQ.

3. If yes, then lower their competency to low value, say 2. If not deliver the call to that agent

4. The API logic also check, if all the agent PQ matches the pool end number. Say 1. Then reset the agent PQ back to 5.


There were several trial and errors we encountered and some off situations (RONA) where a perfect routing can't be achieved. But we were close to 95% of the target.


In WebEx Contact Center they have LAA and skill priority (similar to competency of PCCE/UCCx). 


I have seen http flow nodes, however I am not 100% sure if the API allows dips to realtime table.


Maybe building a custom table is an option?



Senthil Natarajan