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News and Announcements

Exciting news! Registration is now open for Automation Developer Days in the US. Join us in Atlanta from December 3-5, 2024, for an opportunity to share your expertise, gain insights, and connect with fellow professionals. Don’t miss out— Register Today! .

Edited Recordings of Automation Developer Days are now available on our
YouTube Channel!

Learn more about how to build an automation practice!

Blog Articles

NSO Dev Days: YANG Service Modeling

Jan Lindblad presents some thoughts around YANG Service modeling. Top down or bottom up? Designing for reusability and LSA. Modeling external systems. Pointing out some common mistakes in YANG models....


NSO Dev Days: Performance and Scaling

Johan Bevemyr discusses challenges and possibilities around NSO performance tuning and scaling. The presentation material is available here: NSO Developer Days Performance and Scaling presentation


Device onboarding with NSO

Do you need to add new infrastructure devices in your network? If the answer to this question is “yes” then you may have an easy solution through NSO (Network Service Orchestrator). Cisco Advanced Ser...


NSO Dev Days: NSO Architectural Overview

Jan Lindblad presents an Architectural Overview of NSO, along with a review of what the customer value that NSO brings is. The slide material for this presentation is available here: NSO Developer Day...


NSO Dev Days: Topology Agnostic PoD Onboarding

Syed Ziaullah presents how NSO has been used for Topology Agnostic PoD Onboarding. The presentation material is available here: NSO Developer Days Topology Agnostic PoD Onboarding presentation


NSO Dev Days: Service Reconciliation

Roque Gagliano and Mikael Tidemar presents theory and practice around brown-field service reconciliation. This is part 1, part 2 is here: The presentation m...


NSO Dev Days: Network Element Drivers (NEDs) and NETSIM

Jan Lindblad presents what NEDs are, why there are there, and what makes them hard to build and maintain. The discussion also extends into NETSIM and NETCONF NEDs. The presentation is available here: ...


NSO Dev Days: Working with TAC

Rebecca Reich at NSO TAC Support explains what information is relevant to submit in your service request.


NSO Dev Days: KDDI keynote

Hirokazu Kariya presents KDDI's usage and future with NSO. The presentation slides are here NSO Developer Days KDDI Customer presentation

Getting Started

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