From the Q&A Nexus 1000V below an excerpt of the requirements on ESXi. What I wonder, when I have 50 VEMS (or 50 physical hosts) do I need 2G memory (VSM) and 50*150M or 7.5G for the VEMs, so total 9.5G? Or does the 150M sit as process in the physical hosts?
Q. What are the system requirements?
A. System requirements are as follows:
• Works with all switching architectures
• Cisco Nexus 1000V VSM
– VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus Version 4.0 or later
– Can be deployed as a virtual machine on VMware ESX 3.5 or 4
– Hard disk: 3 GB
– RAM: 2 GB
– One virtual CPU at 1 GHz
• Cisco Nexus 1000V VEM
– VMware vSphere Enterprise Plus version 4.0 or later
– Hard disk space: 6.5 MB
– RAM: 150 MB