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7914 has all red lights after swapping

A 7914 was just replaced and the new one has all red lights on it.  It is connected correctly, according to the description.  The firmware in CUCM is the latest, S00105000400.  How can I check the firmware on the 7914?  Could it be too old and needs an intermediate firmware to get to the latest?  If so, how would I check that?  The phone is a 7961, registered with CUCM and works.  The phone template is one for 7961 with 7914 with 6 lines and 14 SDs.  What else can I check for?

5 Replies 5

Craig Dyer
Level 3
Level 3


     The module firmware can be checked from the phones web server and also from the phone BUT as it's all red buttons then I don't think it will show.

     To check an expansion module on a 7970 phone the key sequence is Settings > 6 Status > 4 Expansion modules.

     Can you double check the phone configuration in CuCM and check that the "Expansion Module" > Module 1 is set to the correct model?

Hope this helps,



paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Cable fit int correct slot ?

Yes, the cable goes from the aux port on the phone to the "in" port on the expansion module.  EM is plugged into the wall outlet.  Both the phone and 7914 were shut down, the phone brought up, then the 7914.  I removed it from the config on the phone configuration page (Expansion Module Information > set to none, Saved, re-added 7914 Expansion Module, Saved, reset the phone) still all red lights.  The logs from the TFTP server show the corect firmware downloading.

TFTP|TID[99eefba0] TFTPEngine: rocessMessage[0x11bc59c0~2695~x.x.x.x~49155], Transferred[S00105000400.SBN] Socket[30]|<:SERVER><:X.X.X.X><>

Why did you swap the module in the first place?

Have you tried a diferent 7914 or the module on another phone?


The first 7914 went bad due to a power outage at the site.  A new phone and module were sent.  The new phone came up with no problem, but the module didn't.  When I web into the phone, it doesn't see the module.  The module hasn't been tested on another phone.  This is the only 7961 with a 7914.  It looks like I'll replace the 7914.