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Cisco 2951 SIP trunk to FXS ports to analog devices

Mark Verwey
Level 1
Level 1

I need some help, I need to configure a 2951 to handle the SIP trunk for connectivity to the PSTN, then the inbound call needs to leave out the Cisco 2951 via 1 of 4 FXS ports.  I have a pretty good handle on the SIP trunk, I have never configured FXS ports.  I purchased a VIC3-4FXS/DID card and have installed it in the 1st slot on the 2951.  I know I need dial-peers for the SIP side and I assume I'll also need dial-peers for the FXS but I really have no clue on what or how the FXS card needs to be configured.  If this were a T1 I understand it, I've just never run across a need to configure an FXS card.  Can someone please educate me.


Thanks, Mark 

3 Replies 3

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

You are correct, you'd just need POTS dial peer(s) pointing to the FXS port that matches the number.  You can also assign station id and station name on the port itself to provide display to the caller, etc.  Not much to it.

Thanks for the reply, I didnt think there was much to it, just needed verification and also, some help with how to add the station ID and whatever else is needed to the FXS port configuration on the router, I'm new to this type port/card.  Also, will I need to add any voice translation rules & profiles?

I have a working configuration...well sort of; I can dial in and the line rings to whatever I want no issues, and if I have several other devices that I configured numbers for on the other 3 ports and they all ring in.  However, if I dial out and its a local call I have to add the area code to the number before it will go through, however if I dial a long distance number there isn't any problems with it going through.  Also, the SIP provider sends everything inbound E.164, that's easy to accommodate, however it wants at least 9 digits on an outbound dial, which is why it works for local when I adding the local area code.  I figure I should be able to use a voice translation-rule but am having trouble getting it to work and not sure which dial-peer to add it to.  Here are the dial-peers and the translation-rule/profile I have created.

voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^[1-9]........../ /+\0/
rule 2 /^[2-9]....../ /+334\0/
voice translation-profile Outbound
translate called 1

dial-peer voice 10 pots
translation-profile outgoing Outbound
destination-pattern +13343522046
port 0/1/0
forward-digits 0

dial-peer voice 1000 voip
description outgoing call from PBX
destination-pattern .T
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
session transport udp
incoming called-number +13343522046
voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte
voice-class sip bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
voice-class sip bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
dtmf-relay rtp-nte
codec g711ulaw
no vad


I have tried putting the translation-profile outgoing Outbound on dial-peer voice 1000 voip and on just the dial-peer voice 10 pots. Regardless I get the same end results, it just ignores it and requires the area code for a local call.