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CME - Call forward not working

Level 1
Level 1


I have a router with 12.4(13r)t with about 20 IP Phones registered. We had a funny problem, hope to get some insight if it's a telco problem or config.

We tried to get 1 phone to forward all inbound call to his cell. So as usual practice, he press CFwdAll and start punching the digits. For example, 916xxxxx0001 and press #.

Then when he call direct to his fix line, the caller heared "Wireless number cannot be reached" or "cant dial the number at the moment". If he dial out using the same pattern (ie: 916xxxxxxx0001), he can rang out.

I did a isdn q931 and voip dialpeer, I got the correct Calling Part number but incorrect Called Party Number. I got the last 4 digit (0001) instead and show no match.

Called Party Number i = 0x80, '0001'

Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

Jul 17 14:01:38.132: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpAssociateIncomingPeerCore:

Calling Number=90xxxxxxxx, Called Number=0001, Voice-Interface=0x4672B508,

Timeout=TRUE, Peer Encap Type=ENCAP_VOICE, Peer Search Type=PEER_TYPE_VOICE,


Let me know any info you need, I'll share it.

Thanks in advance!

13 Replies 13
Level 1
Level 1

Is 12.4(13r)t a supported CME IOS?

Can you post the configs.

Sure, here's the config.

Try removing this line "call-forward system redirecting-expanded" & test again and post the q931 debugs.

I'd removed the "call-forward system redirecting-expanded" and same result. Do I need to reset the IP Phone after this change?

Jul 18 18:55:42.373: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x6703

Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A2

Standard = CCITT

Transfer Capability = Speech

Transfer Mode = Circuit

Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s

Channel ID i = 0xA18382

Preferred, Channel 2

Facility i = 0x9F8B0100A10F02010106072A8648CE1500040A0100

Protocol Profile = Networking Extensions


Component = Invoke component

Invoke Id = 1

Operation = InformationFollowing (calling_name)

Name information in subsequent FACILITY message

Calling Party Number i = 0x2183, '3472760062'

Plan:ISDN, Type:National

Called Party Number i = 0x80, '0067'

Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown

Jul 18 18:55:42.377: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpAssociateIncomingPeerCore:

Calling Number=3472760062, Called Number=0067, Voice-Interface=0x4672B508,

Timeout=TRUE, Peer Encap Type=ENCAP_VOICE, Peer Search Type=PEER_TYPE_VOICE,


Jul 18 18:55:42.377: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpAssociateIncomingPeerCore:

Result=Success(0) after DP_MATCH_INCOMING_DNIS; Incoming Dial-peer=1

Jul 18 18:55:42.377: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/DPM/dpAssociateIncomingPeerCore:

Calling Number=3472760062, Called Number=0067, Voice-Interface=0x0,

Timeout=TRUE, Peer Encap Type=ENCAP_VOICE, Peer Search Type=PEER_TYPE_VOICE,


Jul 18 18:55:42.677: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x843F

Cause i = 0x829C - Invalid number format (incomplete number)

Jul 18 18:55:42.685: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0xE703

Cause i = 0x809C - Invalid number format (incomplete number)

Jul 18 18:55:42.713: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: RX <- FACILITY pd = 8 callref = 0x6703

Facility i = 0x9F8B0100A117020101020100800F43656C6C2050686F6E652020204E59

Protocol Profile = Networking Extensions


Component = Invoke component

Invoke Id = 1

Operation = CallingName

Name Presentation Allowed Extended

Name = Cell Phone NY

Jul 18 18:55:42.717: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 **ERROR**: Ux_BadMsg: Invalid Message for call state 11, call id 0x1274, call ref 0xE703, event 0x62

Jul 18 18:55:42.717: ISDN Se0/0/0:23 Q931: TX -> STATUS pd = 8 callref = 0xE703

Cause i = 0xC0E562 - Message not compatible with call state

Call State i = 0x0B

Yes try resetting the phones after removing this command. Do you really need this command in the config, I think it is supposed to be used with the dialplan command ie dialplan-pattern 1 1234567... extension-length 5

Hi, this is quite strange. First, a setup for '0067" is received. Ok so far.

Then, without apparent reply by the router, a release_comp is received. Of course at that point, router disconnects.

I recommend uou upgrade to 12.4(11)XJ4 and try again.

From the 2nd debug isdn q931 output, it already send out xxxx 4-digit number as called no. other than full E-165 no.

Can you place output of cmd 'show ephone-dn x'? x - is the phone which has cfwall setup.

Also, can you add one line: 'call-forward all 916xxxxx0001(the number)' in the phone ephone-dn setup and give it try.

I am wondering if translation profile cause the issue.

a) dhccoid

Q: Yes try resetting the phones after removing this command. Do you really need this command in the config, I think it is supposed to be used with the dialplan command ie dialplan-pattern 1 1234567... extension-length 5

A: Just did it again, reset the phone and removed the command. It still didn't work though.

b) bevilacqua

Q: I recommend uou upgrade to 12.4(11)XJ4 and try again.

A: Thanks, I will do that on last resort

c) jamesfang

Q: Can you place output of cmd 'show ephone-dn x'? x - is the phone which has cfwall setup.

Also, can you add one line: 'call-forward all 916xxxxx0001(the number)' in the phone ephone-dn setup and give it try.

A: Here's the output for show ephone-dn. I'll post the testing for "call-forward all xxxx" early next week and post my result here.

And btw, I asked the user to forward to internal ext (4 digits), it work. If he forward to external fix line or mobile, it doesn't work.

2821#show ephone-dn 11

50/0/11 CH1 IDLE CH2 IDLE

EFXS 50/0/11 Slot is 50, Sub-unit is 0, Port is 11

Type of VoicePort is EFXS

Operation State is DORMANT

Administrative State is UP

No Interface Down Failure

Description is not set

Noise Regeneration is enabled

Non Linear Processing is enabled

Non Linear Mute is disabled

Non Linear Threshold is -21 dB

Music On Hold Threshold is Set to -38 dBm

In Gain is Set to 0 dB

Out Attenuation is Set to 0 dB

Echo Cancellation is enabled

Echo Cancellation NLP mute is disabled

Echo Cancellation NLP threshold is -21 dB

Echo Cancel Coverage is set to 8 ms

Echo Cancel worst case ERL is set to 6 dB

Playout-delay Mode is set to adaptive

Playout-delay Nominal is set to 60 ms

Playout-delay Maximum is set to 1000 ms

Playout-delay Minimum mode is set to default, value 40 ms

Playout-delay Fax is set to 300 ms

Connection Mode is normal

Connection Number is not set

Initial Time Out is set to 10 s

Interdigit Time Out is set to 10 s

Call Disconnect Time Out is set to 60 s

Ringing Time Out is set to 10 s

Wait Release Time Out is set to 30 s

Companding Type is u-law

Region Tone is set for US

Station name Scott Gemmell, Station number 0071

Caller ID Info Follows:


Translation profile (Incoming):

Translation profile (Outgoing):

Digit Duration Timing is set to 100 ms

Thanks for all that helps!

Try adding another dial-peer with a destination pattern that matches the number that you are forwarding to, but do noy add any Translation Profile or corlist.


dial-peer voice 40 pots

destination-pattern 916?????0001

port 0/0/0:23

forward-digits 11

I don't think that will work - for some reason the call is dropped with strange symptoms before CME even attempts to dial out.

EDIT: Ok I got it. The RELEASE_COMP is related to another call. CME is disconnecting with "incomplete number". This simply means it does';t know what to do with "0067", thing that is normal as no extension have such a number in config.

Note, you need to configure a translation-profile and rule so that "0067" become a more norma extension like "267.

Go ahead and add the dial-peer that I suggested, call the phone with the forwarding from a local extension, I think this will work. If it does we need to look a bit closer at the translation profiles or corlist.

it abvouse there is smoething wrong

but my sugesstion for temorary use

is to make a dial-peer match the number that is apeared in the debuging which is i think 0027

andway make dial-peer match that number for forwarding then if u want put it in another corList and make the proper person have the right on it

i think it will be easier

but not the perfect way

try it and good luck

Rate if helpful

Please describe the detail call flow with dialed/forwarded/expected number and match with the debug result.

From the old debug output:


Calling Party Number i = 0x2183, '3472760062'

Plan:ISDN, Type:National

Called Party Number i = 0x80, '0067'

Plan:Unknown, Type:Unknown


It seems calling party: '3472760062' called '0067' which cannot explain what it should be.

My points are:

When call from outside to internal number and been forwarded to other outside number. You should see some traces in 'debug isdn q931' with the calling/called/forwarded number (new directed no) to prove what happen in signaling trace.

Also you can try run 'show voice port summary' to see if 2nd channel been involved for the forwarded call - your test should involve two B-channels, one for incoming and one for forwarded.