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CUCM 9.1 Custom User Field with LDAP SYNC

Amit Shah
Level 1
Level 1

I see in CUCM 9.1 now we have the ability to sync a Custom User Field when syncing with LDAP directory. My question is does anybody know where I ould be able to see what it synced?

In the SRND all it states is that field is added to the CUCM database, but then what. Where do i see that value?


10 Replies 10

Jonathan Schulenberg
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

There is no UI within CUCM that allows you to see it. You can either do a SQL query from the CLI to see the additional fields in the enduser table; or, access the information through AXL. An example of an app which does use this is the Cisco Unified Attendant Consoles. They show the mobile and homePhone attributes as alternate contact numbers.

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I don't normally bump an old post but I am trying to get clarification on your assertion that Cisco Unified Attendant Consoles can use the Custom User Field mapping. I checked the AXL query sent from CUEAC 9.1 to UCM 9.1.2 and the query is on the enduser table. The Custom User fields are actually added to a different table altogether.

I am trying to get a location ID into CUCM and then through to CUEAC directory so that my operators (12 different regions) can create Personal Directory groups for their region. Using telephoneNumber is not a valid opiton in this case.



HTH -Bill (b) (t) @ucguerrilla

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We had similar issue in our requirements with CUEAC, CUCM inputs user details some appear in the End User page of CUCM and some are held in the database which are seen in CUEAC as part of its synch but not CUCM as you have stated. All the fields are fixed if you wish to input additional fields in CUEAC then you either have to modify the source field i.e. Mobile number now contains the Site ID or upgrade to premium CUEAC which I`ve been informed you can then synch it to other directories- same as you could do with ARC. Also if you use customer directories -F4 via the operator SW then it creates more issues - if you search for all users with a country of +45 it will filter ALL numbers starting with 45 - Telephone number +455551234- good but it can also pick up extension number 45xx but its country code could be +1, +44 etc so you have a mix of users in different countries but their “numbers” begin with 45. Also I guess if you allow an operator to create their own F4 directory you seem to be limited to a certain fields- maybe you have more fields with Premium but not sure which may create problems if you have a different synch requirements as above

Hello Jonathan!

Thans for your information about custom user field.

One question, did something changed in the meantime with the behavior or the use case of custom user field in CUCM 11.5?

Maybe is it possible that these addition fields are shown in the Jabber Contact information?

An customer of us, want to show the fields "physicalDeliveryOfficeName" or "company" and added these fields as custom user field.

thanks and best regards


The fields you see in Jabber with user info are fixed, you cannot add/remove/rename any of those.

Best you can do  is re-map one existing field to those LDAP fields you want to see.



if this helps, please rate

Hi Jaime!

Thanks for your answer :)!

Level 1
Level 1

Hello William and Jonathan,

If I understand right, there is no way to see in CUCM Admin Page that the Custom User Field are synchronized ?

And I could synchronise a field but no apps in CUCM to use it ?

I just read this post and it seems that we can see new line in the Corporate Directory.

Is that it ?

Thanks for the answer,

To conclude myself,

SRND 9x says that :

Table 16-5

contains a list of additional attributes that are imported by the  Dirsynch process and copied into the Unified CM database but are not  displayed in the administrator user configuration web pages.  

Thanks Cisco to do such synchronisation

However, we could verify synch of Custom User Field by using those sql commands in cli :

More precisely on the field :

run sql select userid, mobile from enduser where userid like ''

Or to see every custom fields synchronised :

run sql select * from enduser where userid=""

For the moment, no CUCM apps use those fields not even Directory Service on IP Phone or UMuser page.

But Cisco Attendant Console can use them as described in this post.


Please rate if that helps !

The custom user fields in CUCM 9.1.2 are not stored in the enduser table.  They are stored in the

customuserattributedata table.  

The 'mobile' field is not a custom user attribute, it is part of the enduser table and CUCM default LDAP sync integration.

I am also trying to get a location field from AD into CUCM and then into Attendant Console enterprise and was hoping to use the 'custom user fields'.  So far I haven't found a way to do this.

Did anyone have any luck with this ?

Data dictionary is always a great resource for stuff like this-