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Member since ‎05-22-2008

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The UCCX CUIC Voice CSQ Summary Live Data report is missing the dequeued column.   I just did a CAD to Finesse migration and the Call Center manager was wanting to see the number of dequeued calls.   I found that dequeued stats exist in the short ter...
Why does CCX not permit passing call variables in the Finesse MAKE_CALL API ?I am using a Click to Call from a CRM and we are using the Finesse API, I can not pass variables with this API.    It is specifically listed in the documentation that this i...
I have created several buttons in a custom gadget in Finesse that the agents use to initiate transfer/consult actions to common destinations.   Is there a way to make the buttons look like the buttons that are part of the default callcontrol.jsp ? Wh...
I've been trying to tweak the 10.5 WorkflowScreenPop example but not having much luck.The current behavior of the gadget is to create a tab based on the Window Name of the workflow screen pop.   This means that for all screenpops triggered by the sam...
I'm trying to use the CCX to place a call to a CUCM hunt group and then once the answered, determine which member of the hunt group answered the call.I have used several of the Get Info steps, including:Get Call Contact InfoGet Enterprise Call InfoGe...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-22-2008 01:17 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-26-2021 12:03 AM
Posts 347
Total Helpful Votes Received 32