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Different MOH source for UCCX applications

Level 3
Level 3

Could anyone give me some instructions on how to setup a new MOH source for Contact Center applications?

Our phones use the default Cisco provided MOH from Call Manager (v7.1.5). We don't want to change that.

However when users call into our call center (UCCX v8), and we place the calls in queue (we use the hold step), we want to use a CD from call manager.

I'm guessing we just create a new MOH source, and then assign it to the CTI route point for the application trigger?  Just wanted to confirm if I was on the right track.


5 Replies 5

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Thomas,

If you are using the Hold/Unhold steps then I believe the new MOH will be applied

against the CTI-Ports not the CTI-RP



Hi Rob,

When the call is ringing on the agent phone ,We get two beeps after that dead air .

I have tried adding Network Hold and MRGL for CCG ,But when i update am getting "object error"

Screenshot attached

CCX version : 8_0_2_11005_20


Level 6
Level 6

CTI ports, not Route point

Just to add

We have a single UCCX system but it is used by serveral internal service desks/CSQ`s,  to maximise the system we have one pot of CTI Ports across all the CSQ`s. As you said the MOH is against the CTI ports unless we want to do a traffic report  to allocate the ports against  each CSQ based upon the traffic any idea`s how we can provide different MOH to the diferent CSQ`s- Would/ can you make use of a .Wav file for different CSQ`s  and if so how- step paly prompt play - can you interrupt????



When I configure CTI ports for UCCX I normally create an MoH source with recorded music for user hold which is used by the Call Hold/Unhold steps and I also create an MoH source with a recording of a ringback tone which I use for network hold. This way when a call is transferred to an agent phone the caller hears ringback.

Re. customising MoH for multiple scripts that share a goup of CTI ports then yes you have to get UCCX to play callers a wav file using the play prompt step rather than using the call hold/unhold steps. This obviously puts more load on the UCCX server but as long as your are sensible in selecting your server hardware you should be ok.

The prompts are interruptible if an agent becomes available.