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Export Directory Number and Voicemail Profile using BAT

Level 1
Level 1


I want a list of DN with their individual voicemail profile

how can I get this in excel sheet?                  

5 Replies 5

Hi Kada,

Go to Bulk administration-> Export Phones->All Details.

You will export all lines assign to each phone so look for the VoicemailProfile tab, that will show you which Voicemail profile is assigned..

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This just gives the phone associated extension but misses the device profile extensions.

we use the device profile extensively.

Is there a way to get both?

Thanks for helping!

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There's no way to get both on the same export file but you can export Device Profile. Follow this procedure:

Step 1   Choose one of the following options:            
  1. Choose                        Bulk                               Administration > User Device                               Profiles > Export User Device                               Profiles > Specific Details.                       The                        Find and List User Device Profiles To Export                       window displays.
  2. Choose                        Bulk                               Administration > User Device                               Profiles > Export User Device                               Profiles > All Details.                       The                        Export User Device Profiles Configuration                       window displays.

Step 2  

For                  All Details option, choose the type of device                 or specific model from the                  Device Type drop-down list box. Skip to                  Step 4.

Step 3   For                  Specific Details option, you can customize the                 export file and set any of the following detail options:            
  1. Choose                        Device Type and                        Device Protocol from the drop-down list                       boxes.
  2. In the first                        Find a User Device Profile drop-down list                       box, choose from the following options:                                            
    • Profile Name
    • Profile                               Description
  3. In the second drop-down list box, choose from the following                       options:                                            
    • begins with
    • contains
    • is exactly
    • ends with
    • is empty
    • is not empty
  4. In the search field box, enter the value that you want to                       locate, such as a specific profile name or profile description.
  5. You can click the                        Search Within Results check box and choose                                              AND or                        OR to add multiple filters and repeat                        3.b through                        3.d to further define your query.
  6. Click                        Find. The search results display.
  7. Click                        Next.
  8. Choose file format from the                        File Format drop-down list box.

Step 4   In the                  File Name field, enter the file name that you                 want to use.
Step 5  In the                  Job Information area, enter the Job description.
Step 6   Choose an export method. Do one of the following:             
  1. Click                        Run Immediately to export user device                       profiles immediately.
  2. Click                        Run Later to export user device profiles                       at a later time.

Step 7   Click                  Submit to create a job for exporting user                 device profiles.               Use the Job Scheduler option in the                  Bulk Administration main menu to schedule and/or                 activate this job.

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Dennis Mink
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Why dont you use dependency records?  go to your voice mail profile and right top select "dependency records:  and that will give you all  extension that use it. be it UDP's or not.

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Run this from the server CLI in putty - log it to text.

run sql select first 10,d.description,n.dnorpattern,n.description as linedescription,n.cfbdestination,n.cfbintdestination,n.cfbvoicemailenabled,n.cfnadestination,n.cfnaintdestination,n.cfnavoicemailenabled,,e.userid from numplan n join devicenumplanmap dnm on n.pkid = dnm.fknumplan join device d on d.pkid = dnm.fkdevice left join voicemessagingprofile vm on n.fkvoicemessagingprofile = vm.pkid left join enduserdevicemap edm on d.pkid = edm.fkdevice left join enduser e on edm.fkenduser = e.pkid  order by

You can then import the resulting data into Excel.



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