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Gateway 2921 Incoming Calls CUCM

Hello Friends,

I´m working with CUCM. Last friday incoming calls don´t work in gateway 2921, however out calls and internal calls don´t have problem. Principal number is 756 2300. Exist translation rules into 2921 and CUCM, this is 6300.

Do you think pattern XX is the problem? Any idea? 

Please, watch configuration...

GW_2921#show run

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 8344 bytes


! Last configuration change at 12:17:33 GMT Tue Oct 16 2012

! NVRAM config last updated at 19:29:33 GMT Fri Oct 12 2012

! NVRAM config last updated at 19:29:33 GMT Fri Oct 12 2012

version 15.2

service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime

service timestamps log datetime msec localtime

no service password-encryption

service sequence-numbers


hostname GW_2921



boot system flash c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-3.T.bin




card type e1 0 0

no logging queue-limit

logging buffered 3000000

no logging rate-limit

no logging console

no logging monitor

enable secret 5 $1$0G7D$cbDUzq1z3nz9ktwETPT6E.


aaa new-model



aaa authentication login default local

aaa authorization exec default local






aaa session-id common

clock timezone GMT -4 0

network-clock-participate wic 0

network-clock-select 1 E1 0/0/0


no ipv6 cef






ip domain name

ip cef

multilink bundle-name authenticated





isdn switch-type primary-net5



crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-1160206030

enrollment selfsigned

subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-1160206030

revocation-check none

rsakeypair TP-self-signed-1160206030



crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-1160206030

certificate self-signed 01

  3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030

  31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274

  69666963 6174652D 31313630 32303630 3330301E 170D3132 30343230 31333134

  30375A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649

  4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D31 31363032

  30363033 3030819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281

  8100C37F 301CEEB2 226CADA8 C7C278B4 4B199E71 A34D14E4 A6DB9836 397B0000

  06A5ADB0 078C4054 3198C01A 6BEA920C 5A13F97E 22AC1B9C 729FCD64 499737A4

  31CBAAF5 F3C42051 9785609A B2AFB156 90A7E7E1 0A392421 AAC5AF62 8C03AD08

  229E0275 88CCFD8B F935CF73 56DBD7F6 F75EE94B B18B38BC AFD0239D FCC73C18

  763D0203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603

  551D2304 18301680 14361D3E 466F90B0 880BBA46 E4FAC251 0FD9A717 86301D06

  03551D0E 04160414 361D3E46 6F90B088 0BBA46E4 FAC2510F D9A71786 300D0609

  2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 81810004 557ECF4C 85A435DF E654E9C5 4D7AD6A4

  634F40BE 3C80B7D0 C93AB016 6EA77C99 945D4312 F9A54E68 E9438D12 84511FA8

  44BE9350 BF648F77 83EA98A9 6D60E32E E2F0B57B 48E9BC32 26A79DE9 FEDF34F1

  C1A7462F E52327DC 91C409EB 69CD7E4C 86C48AED 743BB520 97F40AFA 279920BB

  5214CB61 6488EF93 0306EC39 14239B


voice-card 0


dsp services dspfarm



voice call send-alert

voice call convert-discpi-to-prog

voice call carrier capacity active

voice rtp send-recv

voice dsp release early


voice service voip

allow-connections h323 to h323

allow-connections h323 to sip

allow-connections sip to h323

allow-connections sip to sip

supplementary-service h450.12

no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily

no supplementary-service sip refer

fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback pass-thro


  h225 connect-passthru


  registrar server





voice translation-rule 1

rule 2 /2331/ /6309/

rule 3 /2301/ /6301/

rule 4 /2300/ /6302/

rule 5 /2330/ /6303/

rule 6 /2302/ /6304/

rule 7 /2323/ /6305/

rule 8 /2304/ /6306/

rule 9 /2315/ /6307/

rule 10 /2329/ /6308/

rule 11 /2305/ /6310/

rule 12 /2322/ /6311/

rule 13 /2318/ /6312/

rule 14 /2328/ /6313/

rule 15 /2309/ /6314/

rule 16 /2311/ /6315/

rule 17 /2303/ /6316/

rule 18 /2317/ /6317/

rule 19 /2319/ /6318/

rule 20 /2307/ /6319/

rule 21 /2306/ /6320/

rule 22 /2308/ /6321/

rule 23 /2313/ /6322/

rule 24 /2312/ /6323/



voice translation-profile Ingreso_SRST

translate called 1







  service alternate Default



license udi pid CISCO2921/K9 sn FTX1610AL8K

hw-module ism 0


hw-module pvdm 0/0




username admin privilege 15 secret 5 $1$zhNp$tBfY0wdYdMcYxOrDt0OpF/

username nocjapan privilege 15 secret 5 $1$nSly$Qm1Q1RYNJu1FiHuSCawA50

username pier privilege 15 secret 5 $1$UBzH$oAoSwavpZWkmWtW4iGzcK.





controller E1 0/0/0

framing NO-CRC4

pri-group timeslots 1-31 service mgcp

description **To PSTN**


ip ssh version 2





interface Loopback0

ip address


interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0

no ip address



interface GigabitEthernet0/0

description "UPLINK_3560"

ip address

duplex full

speed 1000

h323-gateway voip interface

h323-gateway voip bind srcaddr


interface ISM0/0

ip unnumbered Loopback0

service-module ip address

!Application: CUE Running on ISM

service-module ip default-gateway


interface GigabitEthernet0/1

no ip address


duplex auto

speed auto


interface GigabitEthernet0/2

no ip address


duplex auto

speed auto


interface ISM0/1

description Internal switch interface connected to Internal Service Module

no ip address


interface Serial0/0/0:15

no ip address

encapsulation hdlc

isdn switch-type primary-net5

isdn incoming-voice voice

isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager

isdn bchan-number-order ascending

no cdp enable


interface Vlan1

no ip address


ip default-gateway

ip forward-protocol nd


ip http server

ip http authentication local

ip http secure-server


ip route

ip route ISM0/0




tftp-server flash:cmterm-69xx-sccp.9-2-2-6.cop.sgn







voice-port 0/0/0:15

echo-cancel coverage 64

cptone CL

timeouts ringing 5


voice-port 0/1/0


voice-port 0/1/1





ccm-manager fallback-mgcp

ccm-manager mgcp

no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco

ccm-manager music-on-hold

ccm-manager config server

ccm-manager config



mgcp call-agent 2427 service-type mgcp version 0.1

mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode out-of-band

mgcp rtp unreachable timeout 1000 action notify

mgcp modem passthrough voip mode nse

mgcp package-capability rtp-package

mgcp package-capability sst-package

mgcp package-capability pre-package

no mgcp package-capability res-package

no mgcp timer receive-rtcp

mgcp sdp simple

mgcp fax t38 inhibit

no mgcp explicit hookstate

mgcp rtp payload-type g726r16 static

mgcp bind control source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0

mgcp bind media source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0


mgcp profile default


sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0

sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 7.0



sccp ccm group 1

associate ccm 1 priority 1

associate profile 2 register HW_XCOD_CL

associate profile 1 register HW_CONF_CL


dspfarm profile 2 transcode

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

maximum sessions 4

associate application SCCP


dspfarm profile 1 conference

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

codec g729r8

codec g729br8

maximum sessions 1

associate application SCCP


dial-peer voice 1 pots

translation-profile incoming Ingreso_SRST

incoming called-number .


port 0/0/0:15


dial-peer voice 10 pots

description ** Primario dial-peer LOCAL FIJO**

preference 5

destination-pattern 0[2-9]......


port 0/0/0:15

forward-digits 7

no sip-register


dial-peer voice 11 pots

description ** Primario dial-peer MOVIL**

preference 5

destination-pattern 009[6-9].......

port 0/0/0:15

forward-digits 10

no sip-register










max-conferences 8 gain -6

transfer-system full-consult

ip source-address port 2000

max-ephones 30

max-dn 60




line con 0

exec-timeout 5 0

logging synchronous

line aux 0

line 2

no activation-character

no exec

transport preferred none

transport input all

transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh

stopbits 1

line 131

no activation-character

no exec

transport preferred none

transport input all

transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh

stopbits 1

line vty 0 4

exec-timeout 5 0

privilege level 15

logging synchronous

transport input all

line vty 5 15

exec-timeout 5 0

privilege level 15

logging synchronous

transport input all


scheduler allocate 20000 1000

ntp source Loopback0

ntp master



1 Accepted Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hi Claudio,

So to clarify when the VPN is connected you have incoming issues to DNs in Chile when the gateway is registered via MGCP with CallManger in Peru?

If I have understood the above correctly then is fallback SRST inbound is working fine, so the problem I suspect is the translation patterns in CUCM applied to the incoming gateway CSS. Have you confirmed these are in order?

I can see from your updated post that the output indicates that the gateway is unregistered with the CUCM mgcp call agent. I assume that the VPN is connected at this point? This would definitely be an issue if this was true, what is confusing is your statement that outbound calls work when the VPN is up? If the VPN is connected that I would expect ip phones to register to the CUCM in Peru and follow the CUCM route pattern and associated route-list. The route-list would contain a route-group consisting of the mgcp gateway. If you have a second mgcp gateway in this group then it is likely that this is the outgoing gateway,

If ip phones are able to register when the VPN. Is connected the I would look at any rules on the VPN gateway which is possibly restricting mgcp traffic.

Please rate helpful posts. Thank you.


Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

View solution in original post

5 Replies 5

Chris Deren
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Please post "debug isdn q931".

Not sure why you stated this is CME as this is a CUCM GW configuration, so also ensure the MGCP GW configuration in CUCM is accurate.


Cisco Unified CM Administration


GW_2921#debug isdn q931
debug isdn q931 is              ON.

GW_2921#show isdn status
Global ISDN Switchtype = primary-net5

%Q.931 is backhauled to CCM MANAGER 0x0003 on DSL 0. Layer 3 output may not apply

ISDN Serial0/0/0:15 interface
        dsl 0, interface ISDN Switchtype = primary-net5
        L2 Protocol = Q.921 0x0000  L3 Protocol(s) = CCM MANAGER 0x0003
    Layer 1 Status:
    Layer 2 Status:
        TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED
    Layer 3 Status:
        0 Active Layer 3 Call(s)
    Active dsl 0 CCBs = 0
    The Free Channel Mask:  0xFFFF7FFF
    Number of L2 Discards = 0, L2 Session ID = 50
    Total Allocated ISDN CCBs = 0

Hi Claudio,

Ideally you need to debug isdn q931 during the time that you are having problems with your incoming calls as Chris suggested. This will enable you to determine whether you are having problems with channel availability. The important aspect here is understanding whether the gateway was registered to CUCM or in H.323 fallback state when you had incoming problems? Can you post the show ccm-manager output this will indicate the last mgcp failover event.

I suspect that your gateway was possibly operating in fallback and either there was a channel issue on time-slot 1 which affected all incoming calls on this slot or either your actual translation rules failed to match the digits presented by your carrier. Are you aware of how many digits your carrier is presenting, the debug isdn q931 will indicate this during an incoming call.


Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

Hi Allan,

2921 is in Chile and CUCM is in Peru. Exist VPN between them, Internal telephony is trought VPN connection. When VPN is out local incoming calls work perfectly and problem dissapear. SRST 2921 works perfectly. When VPN is in, the problem goes on.


H.323 Gateway
IPv4 Address172.22.25.250

Provider is sending four digits.

GW_2921#debug isdn q931

debug isdn q931 is              ON.

GW_2921#show ccm-manager

MGCP Domain Name:

Priority        Status                   Host


Primary         Down           

First Backup    None

Second Backup   None

Current active Call Manager:    None

Backhaul/Redundant link port:   2428

Failover Interval:              30 seconds

Keepalive Interval:             15 seconds

Last keepalive sent:            17:49:42 GMT Oct 19 2012 (elapsed time: 00:02:36


Last MGCP traffic time:         17:49:12 GMT Oct 19 2012 (elapsed time: 00:03:06


Last failover time:             None

Last switchback time:           None

Switchback mode:                Graceful

MGCP Fallback mode:             Enabled/ON

Last MGCP Fallback start time:  17:50:00 GMT Oct 19 2012

Last MGCP Fallback end time:    17:27:13 GMT Oct 19 2012

MGCP Download Tones:            Disabled

TFTP retry count to shut Ports: 2

FAX mode: disable

Configuration Error History:

no network-clock-participate wic 0


Hi Claudio,

So to clarify when the VPN is connected you have incoming issues to DNs in Chile when the gateway is registered via MGCP with CallManger in Peru?

If I have understood the above correctly then is fallback SRST inbound is working fine, so the problem I suspect is the translation patterns in CUCM applied to the incoming gateway CSS. Have you confirmed these are in order?

I can see from your updated post that the output indicates that the gateway is unregistered with the CUCM mgcp call agent. I assume that the VPN is connected at this point? This would definitely be an issue if this was true, what is confusing is your statement that outbound calls work when the VPN is up? If the VPN is connected that I would expect ip phones to register to the CUCM in Peru and follow the CUCM route pattern and associated route-list. The route-list would contain a route-group consisting of the mgcp gateway. If you have a second mgcp gateway in this group then it is likely that this is the outgoing gateway,

If ip phones are able to register when the VPN. Is connected the I would look at any rules on the VPN gateway which is possibly restricting mgcp traffic.

Please rate helpful posts. Thank you.


Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App