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IP telephone Debug tftp events troubleshout

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Support

I have cisco 3845 with cme installed.

using 3 ip phones, 2 7911 and 1 7940.

the 3 ip phones are working fine, can call any ip phone from another.

My issue is when phone start, i have some error message on the screen of 7960, file not found before the ip phone display the extension number

i did the debug tftp event and debug tftp packes.

Here is the output when a restart phones:

1-/ Restart 7940

Jun  8 17:30:34.055: %IPPHONE-6-REG_ALARM: 23: Name=SEP001A2F336D26 Load=8.0(4.0) Last=Reset-Restart

Jun  8 17:30:34.055: %IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-3:SEP001A2F336D26 IP: Socket:5 DeviceType:Phone has registered.

Jun  8 17:30:35.447: TFTP: Server request for port 50078, socket_id 0x6498EA08 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.447: TFTP: read request from host via GigabitEthernet0/0

Jun  8 17:30:35.447: TFTP: Looking for SEP001A2F336D26.cnf.xml

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Opened system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml, fd 0, size 793 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Sending block 1 (retry 0), socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Server request for port 50079, socket_id 0x643F95AC for process 143

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: read request from host via GigabitEthernet0/0

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Looking for RINGLIST.XML

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Sending error 1 No such file

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Received ACK for block 1, socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Sending block 2 (retry 0), socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Received ACK for block 2, socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Finished system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml, time 00:00:00 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Server request for port 50080, socket_id 0x6498EA08 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: read request from host via GigabitEthernet0/0

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Looking for DISTINCTIVERINGLIST.XML

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Sending error 1 No such file


Jun  8 17:30:34.055: %IPPHONE-6-REG_ALARM: 23: Name=SEP001A2F336D26 Load=8.0(4.0) Last=Reset-Restart

Jun  8 17:30:34.055: %IPPHONE-6-REGISTER: ephone-3:SEP001A2F336D26 IP: Socket:5 DeviceType:Phone has registered.

Jun  8 17:30:35.447: TFTP: Server request for port 50078, socket_id 0x6498EA08 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.447: TFTP: read request from host via GigabitEthernet0/0

Jun  8 17:30:35.447: TFTP: Looking for SEP001A2F336D26.cnf.xml

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Opened system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml, fd 0, size 793 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Sending block 1 (retry 0), socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Server request for port 50079, socket_id 0x643F95AC for process 143

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: read request from host via GigabitEthernet0/0

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Looking for RINGLIST.XML

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Sending error 1 No such file

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Received ACK for block 1, socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.547: TFTP: Sending block 2 (retry 0), socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Received ACK for block 2, socket_id 0x6498EA08

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Finished system:/its/XMLDefault7960.cnf.xml, time 00:00:00 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Server request for port 50080, socket_id 0x6498EA08 for process 81

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: read request from host via GigabitEthernet0/0

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Looking for DISTINCTIVERINGLIST.XML

Jun  8 17:30:35.639: TFTP: Sending error 1 No such file