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I've appreciated those who have answered; I am not getting anywhere.  I cannot get out to the internet from the ASAThanks for your help; it didn't work or I've missed something w/ modifying the ASDM. Also; can I preface that we have it going this way...

Hi everybody,My situation is as follows:My Pre 8.3 ASA is connected to two outside networks: the ISP with security level 0, and a separate agency network with security level 10.  We are having a problem connecting to the agency network from a L2L VPN...

andyc0313 by Level 1
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Resolved! asa mgt issue

internet<ASA<Internal LAN>Global WAN MPLS to other siteshi! We've the setup above in our environment. The ASA box is used to establish tunnel to our HQ if the WAN MPLS is down.I've issue managing the ASA box from network (internal LAN from other site...

dave dave by Level 1
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Hi team,I am kabeer, I am new to ASA 5540.In my setup, I want to configure NAT for test server in our LAN connect to core switch. From Public user they want to access my test server by using port 80 like is my scenario. ki...

 HelloI Want a router (887) behind ASA with a public address, to get to inet without been NATED from the ASA.Everything else is working so this is the setup   |          |    border router(877W) ---79.x.x.112/29----> Asa firewa...

nkladakis by Level 1
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So i setup a failover active / passive with 2 ASA5520'sPrimary asa has 750 Anyconnect vpn licensing and the secondary asa has 2 Anyconnect licenses      I haven't setup the second asa with the new 750 licenses i purchased but when i do a show version...

laphil by Level 1
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 Hi Everyone, Below is the setupASA1----DMZ----SW1----DMZ----ASA2ASA1# ping escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:?????Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)ASA1 configinterface Vlan4 ...

mahesh18 by Level 6
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