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Forum Posts

We recently upgraded our PIX-525 from v6.3.5 to v8.0.4. All went well with the upgrade. We formerly used the PDM for management of the PIX. Now, I see that the ASDM is used.My question is: How is the ASDM installed for the first time? I have tri...

olhcc by Level 1
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Hello,I'd like to use Cisco Secure Desktop to check a registry key to decide if it's a company-client (use AnyConnect client) or not (use web-portal). I'm a bit confused if it can be solved with Host Scan entry and DAP, or if also Prelogin Policies a...

druch by Level 1
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Right now my pix will show the entire config in one fail swoop. I need to break it down to so many lines. I've tried goggling it but no such luck so far. I need to change it and make it permanent so that every time I open it up it will stay at tha...

rbill1967 by Level 1
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I have two 65XX core switches in HSRP config. Both switches has FWSMs configured in Active and failover mode.Both the switches has IDSM-2 as well. IDSM-2 in active switch will do the traffice analysis. It is supposed to change-over during failure of...

We have VPN 3005 Concentrator (4.7.1) and VPN client 5.0.3. We setup Split tunneling. When some user opens the application, sometimes the DNS name is resolved, sometimes it is not.When the DNS name is NOT resolved, we manually put in the IP address ...

Dear All,I am configuring my ASA 5510 but having some problems,I am placing ASA very next to Router,1- Router (Directly attached with Internet via live IP)2-ASA (Connected with Router)3-ASA DMZ interface (Servers are connected with it)4-ASA other fa ...

junshah22 by Level 1
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