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I'm new to this so please forgive my ignorance. My question: How can I set up two VLANs that maintain security between the two (VLAN1 cannot access VLAN2 and vice versa). We have a Cisco 1721 router (ver 12.3) and a HP Procurve 2524 switch. Do ...

How are you all tuning Sig ID:3030 "TCP Syn Host Sweep"? I find this alert is the best indicator of a worm or virus that has made its way inside attempting to spread itself around our network when I see thousands of Syn's coming from one IP all hitt...

slug420 by Level 1
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i have pix 501. i want to configure it to access form outside. i have tried ssh.i have given the following commands only:hostname voippixdomain-name pix.comca generate rsa key 1024ca save allssh (outside ip) (outside mask) outsidepassword 1234access-...