Network Security

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Cisco CyberSecurity


Forum Posts

Please help me understand the following scenario.I have a L7 application block rule in the FMC yet in the CLI that rule doesn't show a block and quite a few hits.Then if I look at another rule in the FMC that I have setup with a block and compare tha...

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dcanady55 by Level 1
  • 2 replies
  • 1 Helpful votes

FTD & FMC 7.3Inside my prefilter policy, I have a few prefilter rules and no tunnel rules, but my default action under tunnel traffic is to analyze all tunnel traffic. The CLI shows there are hits for this traffic, but I'm assuming if there are no ru...

dcanady55 by Level 1
  • 6 replies
  • 1 Helpful votes

hi,I need to implement one zone on asa withe several interfaces and no zones. I need to put two interfaces into that new zone. Will implementing this zone in any way break traffic toward other interfaces?br

We are currently replacing our ASA with a Firepower 1010. When configuring the VPN we ran into an issue using a 3rd party certificate when trying to authorize SAML SSO with Azure. TAC suggested we update from 7.2 to 7.3. When updating the device we g...