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WebAttendant changes between CM V3.0 and V3.1

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Level 1

We have a customer who had V3.0.11 Call Manager with Web Attendant and we recently upgraded to V3.1.3a SP C. The receptionists tend to use the phone to answer calls rather than the WebAttendant console and only use the console to look at the line status and for the login/logout feature.

When a 2nd call came into a WA client they would let it ring while they dealt with 1st call - ie they have the options HOLD ENDCALL TRANSFER MORE....

We upgraded to V3.1.3a SP C and now when a 2nd call comes in, the above options are only there for a couple of rings and then the phone screen changes to only one option - ANSWER. They still have the 1st call open but can't transfer the call etc. They must answer the 2nd call, which puts the 1st on hold.

1. Has there been a change in the way WebAttendant works between V3.0 and V3.1 or are we looking at a bug here?

2. Is there a way of changing the number of times the 2nd call rings before they lose the HOLD/TRANSFER etc options?

Stuart Coe

7 Replies 7

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Level 1

Just realised this is not a WebAttendant issue. It's a phone thing. If a call is up on one line on a phone and then a 2nd call comes in to another line then the same thing happens.

Same questions apply, but not specific to WebAttendant phone.

Level 1
Level 1

Just realised this is not a WebAttendant issue. It's a phone thing. If a call is up on one line on a phone and then a 2nd call comes in to another line then the same thing happens.

Same questions apply, but not specific to WebAttendant phone.

Level 1
Level 1

it is actually a transfer issue - not a line locking issue. When they are in the process of transfering a call and they receive another call, the only soft button on their phone they have available is answer (the transfer dissapears) so the operator thought they have lost the call they were in the process of transfering. The Web Attendant console still showed the line as red (being on hold). All the operator has to do is answer the ringing line (which puts the caller she was transfering on hold), put them on hold and go back to the first caller.

This is a bug issue with the id CSCdx07512.


Cisco Systems

I've done some more testing and it is not specific to Web Attendant. It happens with any phone with 2 lines configured. a call is up on one line, a call comes in to line 2. The call from line 1 is still open but the options all disappear leaving only answer. Once the 2nd line is answerred you can move between the calls and transfer etc.

I have tried on our lab Call Manager and we don't see the problem with 3.1.3a - all the usual transfer/hold etc options are available. Upgrade to Service Pack C and we get the problem - only the answer option.

This is now fixed. For anyone interested, it is a bug with the P00303010108 phone load that comes with V313a. You need to get an Engineering fix phone load P003030101B8.bin. Or you can go back to P00303010107 (but this has problems with IP phone user hearing own voice too load).

Level 1
Level 1

You can also turn off call waiting on the affected DN's.

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Level 1

This is by design.

The design intent is to allow 10 seconds to handle (transfer, place on hold

etc.) a just answered call before we change the SK set to "Answer" for the

next call. If more than 10 seconds pass, the focus is intentionally

changed to "Answer".

I suspect you are running phone load P00303010107 or higher.

What I've found is that the softkey behavior that you want already exists in P00303010106 and I'm suggesting you run 106 as a workaround just on the 2 receptionist phones. With this load the softkeys do not change the focus to the ringing line, the "hold/endcall/transfer/more" will remain and the timer does not come into play.

Again, this is a suggested workaround until a service parameter is built.