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Uploads from CSPC v2.11.02 aren't appearing in SNTC

Level 1
Level 1

We recently deployed a new collector (version 2.11.02) and have configured the upload jobs to send to our SNTC account (same as the old collector).  The logs on the collector show that the upload completed successfully, however, nothing new is shown in the SNTC portal other than the previous uploads from the older collector.  The upload schedule from the old collector were disabled to avoid a situation where the SNTC portal was receiving duplicate data from two different collectors.

Any help would be appreciated.

Below is what is shown in the Collector GUI and in the SNTC portal:





7 Replies 7

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Thank you for the details provided please go to this area again and open the spaces between these collums to review the full name of the file and send me a screenshot with the whole name:




I sent you that info in a private message.

This error is likely a clock synchronization problem

I upgraded my CSP from version 2.10 to 2.11 and not, it is not uploading anymore the Data collected. This is the error:

Upload failed at 08/29/2024 21 00 34 BRT with the response
CPExport_1724975004584 416 1

Please connect via CLI with user collectorlogin then su to root and do the following , make sure you using the appropriate correct time for the time zone being changed.


commands in order:

1) First connect via ssh to the collector with the user colllectorlogin

2) when in the shell use the command su to connect to root [collectorlogin@localhost ~]$ su     

[collectorlogin@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost collectorlogin]#

3) When in root issue the command to disable NTP server which will permanently present from start at boot

# systemctl disable chronyd

4)  Then stop the process of running the NTP server with the command below

# systemctl stop chronyd

5) Then use the following command to permanently and manually change the time by inputting the correct Hour , Minutes, and seconds:

# timedatectl set-time HH:MM:SS





I checked this a while ago based on a recommendation from another post.  The date is already correct and matches my local time.  The clock is in sync with our NTP server down to the second.

good it works then . but make sure you use the command below I think the other post used an ephemeral command, and it will revert on boot

# timedatectl set-time HH:MM:SS

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Maybe I was haste in make an assumption of what you said.  it was not clear.. are you saying the problem was solved or you saying the synchronization was not the problem?

The time sync was accurate prior to initiating this thread, so it wasn't an issue in my case.  The problem still exists: uploads shows successful in CSPC, however, SNTC does not show the recently uploaded data for processing.