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Hi ,

I m getting below error messages in show logs -

Aug 12  15:30:57.127 IST: %ENVIRONMENT-3-RPS_FAILED: Faulty internal power supply  detected  

Aug 12 15:31:02.175  IST: %ENVIRONMENT-3-RPS_FAILED: Faulty internal power supply detected  

Aug  12 15:31:08.219 IST: %ENVIRONMENT-3-RPS_FAILED: Faulty internal power supply  detected  

Aug 12 15:31:10.239  IST: %ENVIRONMENT-3-RPS_FAILED: Faulty internal power supply detected 

there is no error messages related to PSU in "show env all " log  .

Please let me know if any issue with h/w or its a cosmetic issue and in which release its fixed .

here is show version -

------------------ show version ------------------

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) C2950 Software (C2950-I6K2L2Q4-M), Version 12.1(22)EA13, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)

Technical Support:

Copyright (c) 1986-2009 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Fri 27-Feb-09 22:20 by amvarma

Image text-base: 0x80010000, data-base: 0x80680000

ROM: Bootstrap program is C2950 boot loader

##### uptime is 2 weeks, 5 days, 21 hours, 48 minutes

System returned to ROM by power-on

System restarted at 23:54:47 IST Sat Jul 23 2011

System image file is "flash:c2950-i6k2l2q4-mz.121-22.EA13.bin"

cisco WS-C2950G-24-EI (RC32300) processor (revision K0) with 19912K bytes of memory.


Thanks for reply

8 Replies 8

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
I would like to inform you that this is what we know as a cosmetic bug.
This message is not correct since the unit does not support RPS and does not
have any internal power supplies. This occurs under all conditions and these
logs are erroneously indicating an error condition that does not exist.
There is no workaround for this behavior. The logs may be ignored.


2. I would request you to try reloading the switch, else we can replace the

I would like to inform you that if 2950 doesnt have RPS connected and sh env shows no RPS connected/supported, then this is a cosmetic bug.

CSCse84332    Unexpected RPS failure message on bootup

This message is not correct since the unit does not have RPS and does not have any internal power supplies. This occurs under all conditions and these logs are erroneously indicating an error condition that does not exist.
There is no workaround for this behavior. The logs may be ignored.

Try reloading the switch, else in worst case, replace the switch.



Please rate the useful answers.

jaehun jeon
Level 1
Level 1


The error massage is h/w fault message in power part. but I saw message when the switch is inaccurate movement.

So if you can turn off and on the switch. You check the log. You will find this message again.

You have to support cisco tech support team. Because the switch is failed power part.

And refer below the link. The document is message guide.



Yesterday I started to receive

"ENVIRONMENT-3-RPS_FAILED: Faulty internal power supply detected" messages on one of my 2950.

NO RPS is connected to the 2950. I am a little bit confused: is this error message relate to the RPS module of the 2950, or does it relate to the physical AC power supply builtin to the device?

I hardly believe this error relates to the built-in AC power supply, as in case it has an issue, it would just simply crash the device (or even cut the power completely) without letting the device send out any scream, am I right? It this some kind of pre-fail diagnostic message?

Forgot to say: its running the most recent IOS for 2950: 12.1(22)EA14

Even if nobody replied with anything useful, I wanted to give another headsup to this issue (hoping someone provides feedback): since 2 days, it started to log this error message every 10 seconds. The switch is still running thoug, so I am not sure if thats only a pure software bug, or this indeed relates to the hardware (in which case the switch should have already crashed without having time to report this issue).

I am currently also seeing same issue at one of our site where we having power issue and lost complete power to cisco 3750 but where 2950 showing same thing

Apr 11 08:05:06.909: %ENVIRONMENT-3-RPS_FAILED: Faulty internal power supply detected  
West_Chgo-2950-1#show env all
Internal POWER supply is FAULTY
RPS is NOT present


You need to contact Cisco TAC and get the part replaced.

  I think most 2950's are EOL at this point so you should probably look for a new switch .  You could call the TAC to verify.

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