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Auto qos seems not happening

Level 1
Level 1

I have applied 'auto qos voip cisco-phone' on the access port connected to a cisco phone.


Switch is connected to uplink switch by etherchannel, with etherchannel configured as L3 interface.

On all physical interfaces of etherchannel 'auto qos trust' is configured and same is done on the uplink switch.


However i do not see packets matching on priority qeue on either switch interfaces.


Am i doing something wrong? Both the switches are 3850 on 03.06.08


One of the uplink ports


  Service-policy output: AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy

    queue stats for all priority classes:
      priority level 1
      (total drops) 0
      (bytes output) 54830820

    Class-map: AutoQos-4.0-Output-Priority-Queue (match-any)  
      0 packets
      Match:  dscp cs4 (32) cs5 (40) ef (46)
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      Match: cos  5 
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      Priority: 30% (300000 kbps), burst bytes 7500000, 
      Priority Level: 1 

Port connected to cisco phone


  Service-policy input: AutoQos-4.0-CiscoPhone-Input-Policy

    Class-map: AutoQos-4.0-Voip-Data-CiscoPhone-Class (match-any)  
      115416 packets
      Match: cos  5 
        0 packets, 0 bytes
        5 minute rate 0 bps
      QoS Set
        dscp ef
          cir 128000 bps, bc 8000 bytes
        conformed 25680072 bytes; actions:
        exceeded 0 bytes; actions:
          set-dscp-transmit dscp table policed-dscp
        conformed 27000 bps, exceeded 0000 bps



3 Replies 3

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Did you enable "qos queue-softmax-multiplier 1200"?

@Leo Laohoo No i did not..should i. what does this do.


qos queue-softmax-multiplier 100 is configured currently, i suppose that is the default.


And do i need to run it in our core switches as well for end-to-end qos, which are 6800's

3650/3850 switches are notorious for QoS not working.
The command will help the QoS but will not eliminate output drops.
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