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Help with Catalyst 2900 XL switch

Level 1
Level 1

Recently I started revision for my MCSA and decided that I would also put together a test rig to practice on, so I have baught a cabinet and then used some old bits and managed to get 3 servers together.

I decided that since I eventually want to do the CCNA exam that I would use a Cisco switch to help get used to Cisco range, so I ended up buying a second hand Catalyst 2900 XL switch.

I have recieved the switch however I want to be able to try and configure it, if not now at least in the future. However I do not have the username and password, unfortunatly they weren't blank.

I have tried using the password recovery process, however I get so far and then it stops on the following:

Switch#copy flash:config.text system:running-config

Destination filename [running-config]?

1741 bytes copied in 3.172 secs (580 bytes/sec)


00:03:16: %SYS-5-CONFIG: Configured from by

and if I press enter it just returns to a Switch# prompt, instead of showing Sw1# as in the documentation. I have also tried the process to reset the switch back to factory settings, but the switch doesn't seem to recognise the "erase startup-config" or "write erase" commands.

Would it be worth going on to IOS 12.x as it is cutrrently on 12.1, would that also mean that there would be default usernames and password.

I would be greatfull for any help and also very keen to learn about Cisco products.



17 Replies 17

Level 9
Level 9


thanks for the link, however as I said above when I get to step 12 I use the command to copy the config.text to the running config (example below)

Switch#copy flash:config.text system:running-config

Destination filename [running-config]?

But when the command has finished it doesn't return a sw1# to carry on with the steps????

Hi Guy

It does not have to show "SW1". In the document you are using for password recovery "SW1" refers to the host name which is configured on the switch initially.

So when you run the command "copy flash:config.text system:running-config" and you see the output "xxx bytes copied in xxx seconds" this shows that the command was successful. The switch prompt shown will now be what was configured on the switch when you bought it. This most probably will not be SW1. From the output posted in your original post, it appears that your switch was not given a name by the previous owner and was left with the default name "Switch" which is why the prompt does not change.

You can safely finish the procedure. You can give the switch a hostname if you like. Once you see the "#" sign you are privileged exec mode. So from here do the following,

#conf t


(config)#exit //Here the switch will show the name you have just given it

#wr mem

Now the prompt should show what ever name you gave the switch.


Best Regards,


The # after the switch name means that you are in the privileged mode and from this mode you can do whatever you want.

Check this link for detailed information on your passwords and privilege modes.

The post above is correct, you can continue your procedure from this mode.

Hi, I am having a similar problem, only I can successfully "reload the configuration file" in step 12 and reach step 13.

But once I type in "configure terminal" it tells me this:

"Command authorization failed."

So it won't let me into configuration mode to actually change the password and I have no clue why? So basically at this point my switch is useless to me... Any ideas?

Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys,

Thanks for the advise, it worked a treat. I have two questions left now : )

Question 1: Now I have changed the passwords, but I still don't know what the username is? and ut is asking me for it.

Question 2: What does each of the do or control access to which functions?


While in the privilege mode, you can create your own username with privilege 15.

config t

username guy priviledge 15 password xxxxxxx

You can remove the old username or simply change its password using the format shown above.

Not sure if I understand your question #2. Can you clarify on this..



Thanks for the advise Hieu, I will give it a try.


Hi Hieu,

thanks for the advise, I have tried what you said but I get the following error:

DR_2924_SWITCH#username guy priviledge 15 password test


% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

Don;t know what I am doing wrong???



You need to get into the priviledge mode first before creating the local user account.

DR-2924_SWITCH#config t

DR-2924_SWITC(config)#username guy priviledge 15 password test



Hi Hieu.

please can you confirm how I get in to priviledge mode, to check that I am doing it right.


Hi Guy

Good to hear you got it sorted. Now to your questions.

Question 1: Now I have changed the passwords, but I still don't know what the username is? and ut is asking me for it.

Answer 1: Run the command "show run" and check for a line "username password " also look towards the end of the configuration, under "line vty 0 15" for the line "login local"

If you run the "show run" command and post the output here we will have a look and see if we can see anything.

Question 2: What does each of the do or control access to which functions?

Answer 2: I not sure I understand your question. Is it possible that you left out a word after "What does each of the ???????? do"

Best Regards,


Hi Michael,

I am at work at the minute so when I get home I will try your advise to users on the switch.

I was wondering what the following passwords are for, and what functions that they control?

secret password

enable password

vty password

console password



Secret password enables the encryption to be used on the password.So the password will be displayed as the encrypted instead of clear text hence added security.

Console password is used when you try to access the device through console.If you do not provide the correct password then you will not access to the device.

Vty password is used for telnet connection.If you do not specify the VTY password you can not telnet to the device.

Enable passwod is used when you get the access of the device (eighther by console or by telnet)you will be in user mode at start.In this mode you have very limited access so that you can not damage the configuration or device.If now you want to go to priviledged mode and you have configure enable password then you need to provide this password to go in to the previleged mode.Again added security.



shri :)

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