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Codian 8510- Unexpected reboot

Level 1
Level 1


MCU : Codian MSE 8510 Blade (configured in HD mode)

Software version : 4.2(1.46)
Build: 6.17(1.46)

The bridge has been rebooted unexpectedly this morning and we are actually investigating this problem. I would appreciate if you can help me and provide some ideas to identify this problem.

We suppose that it is an electrical factor as on the MSE Supervisor 8050 ,there is an error message:

Insufficient current capacity (requires at least 24.20A)

Do you think that there is a relation with this error message?

2 Accepted Solutions

Accepted Solutions

Saurabh Gupta
Level 3
Level 3

Hi Firdaush,

Could you please provide some background information :-

  • Is it a new installation?
  • Was it working before?
  • Have you calculated the power requirements when installing it for first time correctly?
  • how many blades are there in the chassis?
  • Could you also attach some brief snapshot of the event logs of the MCU.



View solution in original post

I do believe the efficiency is 90-92% on that H Series rectifier.  Even at 90% will tell you, you will require 2 rectifiers to run that chassis.  But since you only have one, like I said, will generate the insuffcient capacity warning. 



View solution in original post

14 Replies 14

Saurabh Gupta
Level 3
Level 3

Hi Firdaush,

Could you please provide some background information :-

  • Is it a new installation?
  • Was it working before?
  • Have you calculated the power requirements when installing it for first time correctly?
  • how many blades are there in the chassis?
  • Could you also attach some brief snapshot of the event logs of the MCU.



Hi Saurabh,

Sorry, its not the correct answer. Please maintain the request.

Patrick Pettit
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

HI Firdaush.  How many rectifiers do you currently have in the powershelves right now? A and B? How many blades you currently running in this chassis?

Snapshot of Hardware>Blades and Hardware>Power Supplies would be helpful. 

If the blade rebooted on its own, you can download the file at the bottom of the status page and more likely open a TAC case if you want to.  If you want to post it here, thats up to you. 

This message, to me is indicating you don't have enough capacity to run what you have slotted in the chassis. It depends on what shelf is reporting this also. 

This may or may not be the cause of the issue, and hopefully the file will show something, or why it occurred. 



Hello Patrick,

How many rectifiers do you currently have in the powershelves right now?

ShelfTypeReported informationStatus AValere Mini DC / NIC1000

3---Not present
4---Not present

OK BValere Mini DC / NIC1000

1---Not present
2---Not present
3---Not present

Insufficient current capacity (requires at least 24.20A)

How many blades you currently running in this chassis?


Snapshot of Hardware>Blades and Hardware>Power Supplies would be helpful.

Level 1
Level 1


Is it a new installation?

No, intall since 2011

Was it working before?


Have you calculated the power requirements when installing it for first time correctly?


how many blades are there in the chassis?


Events log MCU:

        1 2013/03/01 09:11:10.200 SYSTEM                  Info      Codian MCU 8510 4.2(1.46) (Build 6.17(1.46)) starting

        2 2013/03/01 09:11:10.200 SYSTEM                  Info      device configuration successfully loaded

        3 2013/03/01 09:11:10.868 NETWORK                 Info      SSL successfully initialised

        4 2013/03/01 09:11:10.875 NETWORK                 Info      DTLS successfully initialised

        5 2013/03/01 09:11:10.892 SYSTEM                  Info      Disabling core dumps

        6 2013/03/01 09:11:10.892 UPGRADE                 Info      clearing local features cache

        7 2013/03/01 09:11:10.898 CLUSTER                 Info      feature enabled

        8 2013/03/01 09:11:10.961 NETWORK                 Info      network_control_init

        9 2013/03/01 09:11:10.979 NETWORK                 Info      Initialising IP routes

       10 2013/03/01 09:11:11.091 NETWORK                 Info      activating ethernet Port A with auto-negotiation

       11 2013/03/01 09:11:11.105 NETWORK                 Info      activating ethernet Port A with auto-negotiation

       12 2013/03/01 09:11:11.116 NETWORK                 Info      deactivating port A IPv6

       13 2013/03/01 09:11:11.116 NETWORK                 Info      activating ethernet Port B with auto-negotiation

       14 2013/03/01 09:11:11.127 SYSLOG                  Info      sending from default port 514

       15 2013/03/01 09:11:11.128 NETWORK                 Info      activating ethernet Port B with auto-negotiation

       16 2013/03/01 09:11:11.131 UPGRADE                 Info      Hardware compatibility: 00000001 / ffffffff

       17 2013/03/01 09:11:11.143 NETWORK                 Info      deactivating port B IPv6

       18 2013/03/01 09:11:11.146 NETWORK                 Info      activating ethernet Port A with auto-negotiation

       19 2013/03/01 09:11:11.148 NETWORK                 Warning   cannot get network services configuration for interface: dbgname: bogus NETINTERFACE

       20 2013/03/01 09:11:11.149 NETWORK                 Error     Connect failed with errno 51

       21 2013/03/01 09:11:11.149 TMS_FEEDBACK_EVENTS     Warning   Notifier (index: 1) unable to connect to for sending event notification

       22 2013/03/01 09:11:11.171 USER_MANAGER            Info      15 users present

       23 2013/03/01 09:11:11.173 NETWORK                 Info      activating port A IPv4 with fixed IP parameters

       24 2013/03/01 09:11:11.179 CUSTOMIZATION           Info      customisation configuration read; starting with 1-off 2-off

       25 2013/03/01 09:11:11.191 CUSTOMIZATION           Info      Doing customisation resources init

       27 2013/03/01 09:11:11.196 NETWORK                 Info      activating ethernet Port B with auto-negotiation

       28 2013/03/01 09:11:11.222 NETWORK                 Info      deactivating port B IPv4

       29 2013/03/01 09:11:11.247 NETCONF                 Info      Renewing DHCP on all interfaces to propagate host name

       30 2013/03/01 09:11:11.288 SYSTEM                  Info      default text tokens loaded - 6427 tokens (UTF-8 format)

       31 2013/03/01 09:11:11.301 RECORD_STORAGE          Info      record_storage module initialised

       32 2013/03/01 09:11:11.303 CDR                     Info      CDR storage available

       33 2013/03/01 09:11:11.303 CDR                     Info      Finding archived sections

       34 2013/03/01 09:11:11.589 CDR                     Info      Finding current sections

       35 2013/03/01 10:11:12.554 CDR                     Info      Current sections OK

       36 2013/03/01 10:11:12.555 AUDIT                   Info      Audit storage available

       37 2013/03/01 10:11:12.555 SYSTEM                  Info      Unique id change thread starting

       38 2013/03/01 10:11:12.589 SYSTEM                  Info      Unique id initialised

       39 2013/03/01 10:11:12.589 SHELL                   Info      Serial shell unsecured

       40 2013/03/01 10:11:12.605 CAPABILITIES            Info      Creating 310 capability sets

       41 2013/03/01 10:11:12.821 SIP                     Info      SIP initialised

       42 2013/03/01 10:11:12.979 H.239                   Info      init

       43 2013/03/01 10:11:12.981 AUTO_ATTENDANT          Info      initialised - 1 present

       44 2013/03/01 10:11:12.998 API                     Info      initialised database

       45 2013/03/01 10:11:13.628 AUDIT                   Error     Audit log failed to shutdown correctly in previous boot, audits dropped.

       46 2013/03/01 10:11:13.642 AUDIT                   Info      Reading hashes of audit log

       47 2013/03/01 10:11:13.642 AUDIT                   Info      Calculating file hashes and checking against read hash

       48 2013/03/01 10:11:13.642 AUDIT                   Info      Completed Audit hash check

       49 2013/03/01 10:11:21.357 NETCONF                 Info      media connect on vfx0 (3)

       50 2013/03/01 10:12:13.410 SYSTEM                  Info      Unique id looking for file with name "/rdwr/persistent_id/conference_id.uid"

       51 2013/03/01 10:12:13.528 SYSTEM                  Info      Successfully opened file and read starting id as 32000

       52 2013/03/01 10:12:13.588 SYSTEM                  Info      Unique id "conference_id" was written; new allocation is 34000

       53 2013/03/01 10:12:13.593 GATEKEEPER              Info      settings changed - registering all

       54 2013/03/01 10:12:13.594 SIP                     Info      Starting SIP TCP service

       55 2013/03/01 10:12:13.605 SIP                     Info      Starting SIPS TCP service

       56 2013/03/01 10:12:13.605 SIP                     Info      Starting SIP UDP service

       57 2013/03/01 10:12:13.729 NETWORK                 Info      Registering tunnel prefix with http handler

       58 2013/03/01 10:12:13.730 WEB_PAGES               Info      page services initialised

Patrick Pettit
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Yeah. You may need to verify and add a 2nd rectifier to shelf B if possible.  What type of blades are they? All 8510's?

I'd check to see if you have another rectifier, and add it to shelf B.

The reboot is a different story, unless the file is looked at to be sure.  Hopefully it will shed some light.




What type of blades are they?

1 Codian MSE Supervisor 8050

2 Codian MSE 8510

3 Codian ISDN GW 8321

4 TPS 8710

Unfortunately, i won't be able to send you the diagnostic file as it contains confidential information. Sorry.


Is there any docs explaining to decode the diagnostic file contents ?

Patrick Pettit
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

HI Firdaush.  No, there are no docs for that file.  This is used for TAC and BU purposes only.  If you were to raise a case with Cisco TAC, this file would be needed to try hopefully see what happened. 

Reference the insuffcient capacity issue, you can check the calculator page cause right now, if shelf A went down or lost power, shelf B, doesn't have enough power to run the chassis. 

You can run the calculator here:

90% efficiency on the rectifiers, you will require 2 rectifiers to run the chassis, but since B only has one, and if A were to go down, I don't believe you will have enough power to power the chassis. 



How to know the effeciency of the rectifier?

I do believe the efficiency is 90-92% on that H Series rectifier.  Even at 90% will tell you, you will require 2 rectifiers to run that chassis.  But since you only have one, like I said, will generate the insuffcient capacity warning. 




But do you think that the reboot is due to the incapacity electrical problem?

Patrick Sparkman
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Nothing like a forum discussion to get you thinking about your own infrastructure and it's salability currently in the in the future when you're thinking about adding additional blades.

I have one question on the power rectifiers as the amount of rectifiers in my shelves are the same as Firdaush's.  We have two (2) rectifiers in shelf A and one (1) in shelf B, we currently only run one (1) 8510 blade but are looking to add an additional 8510.  If I'm calculating this correct, I would need to add another rectifier to shelf B for redundancy just in case A went down, correct?

Can someone tell me what the rectifier efficiency means as well?

Thanks, and sorry for butting into the regional discussion, but thought it was around the same lines and possible preventative measures as what was mentioned previously here would apply to my question.

@Firdaush - Not sure without checking out the file which I'm hoping would tell us what happened, but I can't be sure.  If you want, you can open a case for investigation if you would like us to.  The other rectifier would be important for you to look into also.

@Patrick. Yes, if you add additional blade to your chassis, use the calculator to see how many more rectifiers you may need here. Keep in mind redundancy also.  In case you need more on the other shelf as well.

Attached is the H-Series Rectifier data sheet if you need to know more about the efficiency etc. 

