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TMS 13.01... Bulk Maintenace update for all systems

Level 1
Level 1

We are running TMS 13.01 and the function to have the serial #s used to pull the maintenace support status from Cisco is working, however I was wondering if there is a way to force TMS to update all systems.

Currently If I view a system in TMS overview tab, I see...

Contract status as Expired and a date... If I click the "Check for Updates" it will query the Cisco servers and a new date and status will be shown.

We just issued a big PO for lots of system maintenace and I do not want to go system by systems...

Can I force TMS to check the Maintenacve status for all systems at once?


11 Replies 11

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

If you go into Admin Tools > Configuration > Network Setttings > Automatic Software Update, if you set "Automatically Check for Updates" to No and then Save. And then set it back to Yes and then Save again, it will/should kick start the automatic check for updates. FYI, the Cisco TMS will check the backend every 2 days to see if there are new software updates available for all the registered Cisco systems. Alternatively, if you leave "Automatically Check for Updates" set to No, then the buttons "Generate log and Import Log" will be available on the System Upgrade page, to enable import of a list of software and release keys to be used for upgrade of systems.

Hope this helps and good luck with your upgrades

Thans Dale we will try that.

Question on  your commnet: Alternatively, if you leave "Automatically Check for Updates" set to No,  then the buttons "Generate log and Import Log" will be available on the  System Upgrade page, to enable import of a list of software and release  keys to be used for upgrade of systems.

Are not the release keys unique to each system ?

Hi April,

Yes they are...but this a 'manual' method of updating your systems. I highly recommend having automatically check for updates set to yes, which is default for a TMS installation. However, let me see if I can be a bit more clear when I talk about the 'automatically check for updates' is set to no.

When this setting is set to no and when you browse the softward upgrade page in TMS, you'll see two extra buttons, i.e. Import Log and Import Excel. Import Log being a text file while Import Excel obviously being an Excel file. When you select these buttons...depending on what format you need to provide that information (which will include the release keys) to the TMS Software Upgrade system.

So where you do you get or find such a log or create it, and how should it be formatted? When your at the System Upgrade page in TMS, you'll see your Folder View of your systems in their respective folders. You can obviously change this view (e.g. System Type) but Folder View is default when browsing into the System Upgrade page. Next, you can simply select a folder that contains some of your systems and then select 'Next'. In the next view, you'll see your systems that are in that folder listed. Some may have release keys listed, some may not and depending what software you've installed to TMS Software Manager, it will suggest the appropriate software, i.e. latest and greatest. Now here is where you see the 'Generate log' button. You also see the Import Log and Import Excel once again, but again this presumes you have something to import. Now if you select 'Generate log', this will create that log file for in the format of your choice, i.e. csv file or excel file. You can then use this file to add all the appropiate information (e.g. release keys, etc) and then import it to at the System Upgrade page using the Import Log and Import Excel buttons.

In conclusion, and as earlier stated and as you can see, this is a very manual process...meaning again, why I recommend having automatically check for updates to yes, when possible. The manual methods were created for customers that couldn't connect their TMSs outside their own network, e.g. to check the auto check for updates service at

Hope this clarifies.


Hi Dale,

I followed your directions in both TMS14.1.1 and TMS13.2, and what you describe doesn't line up with what I'm seeing.  When I click on the Generate Log button, it doesn't give me a choice as to what format it exports.  It just exports a CSV text document titled Keylog.log.  I have tried this with IE and Firefox.  Which is fine, since the TMS will import that kind of file.  I have a question on where to add the release key info.  I see that in each line there are a couple of commas with nothing between them.

Is that where you would add the release key?


Hi again!

I attempted to export, modify, then import back the Keylog.log file.  I got a "File upload failed" message in the Import release key pop-up window.

- I navigated to Systems>System Upgrade>System Upgrade.  In  the left-hand pane, I selected the devices I wanted to upload the keys  for.

- I clicked the Next button

- I clicked the Generate log button.  I saved the Keylog.log file to my computer.

- I added the release keys between the commas I indicated above and saved the file.

- Back in TMS, I clicked on the Import log button.

- I got the "File upload failed" message.

I  even tried to save the Keylog file, then immediately imported it back  to TMS.  Got the same "File upload failed" error message.

Looking at the help file in TMS13.2 I found this for the Import Excel button;

By clicking this button, Cisco TMS imports an excel sheet from the Cisco Release Key Generator containing release keys.

  1. When you are in the Release Key Generator
  2. Enter serial numbers, separated by spaces, line shift or commas.
  3. Select legacy software (optional).
  4. Select output sort order (optional).
  5. Click OK to generate release keys.
  6. Click on the link Export result as Excel (XLS) to export an Excel sheet.

From the desription this sounds a lot like the old  Tandberg Release Key Generator.  The current License Lookup tool only  lets you enter one s/n at a time, and there's no way to export an Excel  file.  I tried to import the data from the Keylog.log file into an Excel  file, but I couldn't upload that either.

So basically  I'm stuck at this point.  If anyone has actually done this and can give  me a step by step, I'd really appreciate it.



I have been able to successfully import both an Excel file and the text log.  The issue seems to have been a VPN policy I was unaware of.  I am at a new stumbling block.  I import the Excel file with the endpoint's serial number, desired software package name and release key.  After the import, I see it listed in the "Import Release Keys from Excel-Sheet" page

I click on the Upgrade button and get the yellow bar stating “Upgrades are scheduled. Go to the System Upgrade Activity Status page to view the progress of the upgrade(s).”  I go to the System Upgrade Activity Status page and there is nothing listed.

What am I doing wrong?



I tested this and I see the same thing as you. It seems like a bug imo. I found an error in the log-web.txt as well:

2013-02-22 08:45:49,334 [8] WARN  Tandberg.TMS.Service.SystemUpgrade.SystemUpgradeService - SetUpgrade() error. Failed to split string into 2 or more parts. Original string: ' &s50000f9_3_1.pkg'

Same error with and without release key. It seems to try to split the releasekey and the software into two parts but it fails all the time, tested with excel and log (cvs) fails all the time and the log has even been generated by TMS so it should be correct.

You might find the same error in your logs bob, can you check it?

I will raise a bug for it.


Bug reference:



Hi Magnus, thanks for the reply.  Yeah, I figured it was a bug as well.  I saw the same error in our log-web.txt file yesterday and opened a SR on it (624911429).  I'll pass along the bug ID to the tech.

Thanks again for looking at this!

Bob Fitzgerald wrote:


Looking at the help file in TMS13.2 I found this for the Import Excel button;

By clicking this button, Cisco TMS imports an excel sheet from the Cisco Release Key Generator containing release keys.


From the desription this sounds a lot like the old  Tandberg Release Key Generator.  The current License Lookup tool only  lets you enter one s/n at a time, and there's no way to export an Excel  file.  [...]


You are absolutely right - the documentation is referring to the old TANDBERG release key generator; it is rebranding gone wrong when we talk about the "Cisco Release Key Generator".

Because the Cisco processes do not give partners/customers the option to get a list of serial numbers in an Excel format, we have decided to remove the "Imort Export" button from the next release (14.2).



Hello Kjetil!

Well then, if you guys are planning on removing the button in 14.2 I guess there's no hope for the bug to get fixed.    Will the Import Log button also be removed, it doesn't seem to work either.

While this will disappoint our customer, I'm guessing there hasn't been a lot of demand for this feature.  It's the first case I've had on it in 5 years.

Thanks for the heads up Kjetil.