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Unity Cnxn 8.x upgrade failed

Level 2
Level 2

Currently I have UC 8.0 beta running on my ESXi 4 with no  issues in my lab. When I tried to upgrade that to version 8.5 (beta) on the same  server I got this error

"error  encountered - server is not supported for use with the version of Unity  connection that you are trying to install- there is an Cisco URL for  hardware check"

I  even installed new clean UCnxn 8.0 and tried to upgrade still have the  same issue. No matter what hardware configuration changes I did still  no luck, is there anything specific I need to do on the hardware config  to upgrade from 8.0 to 8.5 ?

Hardware Spec I have for this server:




SCSI - LSI Logic

I also have configured another virtual server separately using Cisco OVA template hoping that will fix it if there are any hardware issues even that stopped with the same error.

I  thought I have the same issue with CUCM but that one upgraded without  any problem to 8.5. What puzzle's me is I used the same 8.0 beta ISO to  install CUCM and Cnxn on the same ESXi server and I upgraded with tha same 8.5  ISO, CUCM upgraded without any issues but Cnxn I couldn't.

I know this is not supported by Cisco TAC but I thought I'll check with the pro's if any one ran in to this issue like me even in 7.x version ? if you have resolved it please let me know or point me in right direction.

Just in case if no one has ran in to this issue please help me in troubleshooting ,  is there any install/upgrade log for Cnxn? Is it in inactive partition? what is the path ? or how can I get those logs? so I can see if there are any other detail for errors in the logs.

Thanks for help.

16 Replies 16

Level 1
Level 1

This might help the troubleshooting efforts.  I'll be installing the beta soon so I'll surely keep an eye on your progress.

file list install * detail

file view install

file get install

Thanks for your response. I checked the install log here are the details looks like hardware is supported but don't know why it fails or I'm not understanding the log properly I hope it is not an issue with image itself

10/26/2010 17:50:02|Found deployment ID of "connection"|<:DEBUG>
10/26/2010 17:50:02|Setting "connection" in /common/cisco/platformConfig.xml|<:DEBUG>
10/26/2010 17:50:17|Check if the upgrade is allowed|<:INFO>
10/26/2010 17:50:17|Validate hardware for the upgrade|<:INFO>
10/26/2010 17:50:17|Hardware is supported for the upgrade|<:INFO>
10/26/2010 17:50:17|Validate hardware for "connection" deployment|<:INFO>
10/26/2010 17:50:18|File:/common/download/, Function: validate_upgrade_allowed(), This server is not supported for use with the version of "connection" that you are trying to install. For information on supported servers, see the applicable version of the "connection" Supported Platforms List at|<:ERROR>
10/26/2010 17:50:18|Cleanup RAM disk|<:INFO>

Thanks for the feedback.

I don't know what the issue is, but you have already reviewed the compatibility documentation?  I'll glance over what I received from Cisco and see what I can find.

Yes I checked compatability but all the doc's for ESXi are for UCS platform but I think it is fine as long as it matches the standard hardware spec . I've been running these on esxi servers for last 2 years from CUCM version 6.x so I know it works. I don't think there is much difference from version 8.0 to 8.5 on hardware spec what puzzles me is 8.0 is currently running fine on this esxi server but upgrade fails strange...!

Version 8.5.1 is out now so I thought that would work if there was any image problem but I have the same issue on version 8.5.1 too. No luck so far for me if it works for you let me know.

hi Balukr,

it's almost been a year.. has your problem been solved? Im facing the same issue here.

the error message just exactly like yours.

is it really the hardware problem?

have you tried to do fresh install unity connection 8.5?

if it worked it meas it's not about the hardware problem.

Yes. I have to do a fresh install with more hard drive space that fixed it I went with 250GB. HTH

Hi Balukr, thanks  for responding.

so it means that it's not possible to upgrade using current version due to lack of hard disk space.

My unity connection is running on vmware, will it work if I just add the harddisk space for another 250GB?

think ill give it a shot, if its not working ill just do a fresh install.

I did the install/upgrade on VMWare server.  You cannot increase the HDD space on any UC applications after it is installed whether it is VMware or standalone server you have to do a fresh install.

Actually, you can resize the disks on a Cisco UC Application.

I have successfully increased the disk size of a CCX 8.0 server running on ESX4. After increasing the disk size under VMWare, I booted under Linux System Rescue CD. This contains some partition tools that allow you to expand the file systems. Worked a treat.

Probably makes the environment not supported by TAC however....


I'm glad it worked for you but little curious now, I know we can use tools to adjust the hard disk size  but how did you manage/adjust  the active and inactive parition size on the server? Does this rescue CD allow you to view and change all that? ofcourse this is only for lab setup and not TAC supported


System Rescue CD is a 3rd party tool (not the same as the Cisco UC recovery tools). if you boot off the CD, you can resize the partitions. It was a few months ago that I did it and I can't remember exactly what I i did. I do remember that it was pretty straight forward however and yes, both inactive and active partitions were increased in size.

I definitely managed to do it, as my original CCX server only had 80GB logical drives, and I had to grow them to 120 GB to support later service packs. I have a feeling all I did was allocate the unused space to the logical disk under Linux.

Originally this machine just had an 80GB drive. You'll see it's now 120GB.

VMware Installation:
        1 vCPU:  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5430  @ 2.66GHz
        Disk 1: 120GB
        2048 Mbytes RAM

admin:show status

Host Name    : netiipccx
Date         : Mon Jul 18, 2011 19:00:52
Time Zone    : British Summer Time (Europe/London)
Locale       : en_US.UTF-8
Product Ver  :
OS Ver       :

19:00:53 up 10 days, 21:23,  1 user,  load average: 0.46, 0.24, 0.13

CPU Idle:  64.35%  System:  17.39%    User:  08.70%
  IOWAIT:  09.57%     IRQ:  00.00%    Soft:  00.00%   Intr/sec: 800.87

Memory Total:        2074820K
        Free:          21632K
        Used:        2053188K
      Cached:         650960K
      Shared:              0K
     Buffers:          17240K

                        Total            Free            Used
Disk/active         14650180K        3625416K       10875924K (75%)
Disk/inactive       14650212K        3647228K       10854144K (75%)
Disk/logging        71150200K       15951144K       51584900K (77%)

Worth having a play with as I can't remember exactly what I did.

HTH. Barry

I dealt with a similar situation going from Unity Connection 8.5.1 to 8.6.1 on our subscriber.  Both publisher and subscriber are virtualized.  The publisher resides on a UCS B200, the subscriber resides on a UCS C200 in another site.  The upgrade went fine on the publisher but failed with the "This server is not supported for use with the version of "connection" that you are trying to install." on the subscriber.

Both publisher and subscriber were created using the Cisco VM templates but for some reason the subscriber had 2 virtual CPUs and a 200 GB hard disk.  The publisher has only 1 virtual CPU and a 160 GB hard disk. 

The issue wasn't the hard disk, rather the virtual CPUs.  I shut down the subscriber, removed one of the two virtual CPUs, fired it back up, re-ran the upgrade and it upgraded successfully.

Hit this same issue upgrading CUC 8.0.3 to 8.6.1a.  Changing to one virtual CPU fixed it.  THANKS!!!

I am running into the same issue while upgrading CUC 8.5.1SU3 to 8.6.2a. However, in my case I already got 1 virtual CPU in the OVA template. Do I need to bump the RAM to 4GB to make it work?

