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Voice Router Help

Dear Community,

I am in need of some assistance. I have a 2921 router here that is (or was) being used as a VG of some kind. However, nobody is really sure if it is still being used for anything. It looks like it may have some CME and SRST functionality but I cannot be sure if it is still being actively used in that manner. What commands can I run on this router to verify what it might be used for and if it is still being used for those purposes? Ill post some sanitized configs here as well for context. Thanks for any help you can provide.

trunk group SRST_PSTN
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
voice service voip
fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback none
bind control source-interface Loopback254
bind media source-interface Loopback254
registrar server
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 3 g711ulaw
voice register global
default mode
no allow-hash-in-dn
system message BSA-Corp Fallback Mode
max-dn 5
max-pool 1
voice register pool 1
translation-profile incoming srst
id network 172.x.x.0 mask
voice translation-rule 1
rule 1 /^\(14..\)/ /+1******\1/
rule 2 /^\(86..\)/ /+1******\1/
voice translation-profile srst
translate called 1

voice-port 0/0/0
trunk-group SRST_PSTN 1
description TN ***-***-****
voice-port 0/0/1
trunk-group SRST_PSTN 2
description TN ***-***-****
voice-port 0/0/2
description Paging *88
voice-port 0/0/3

mgcp behavior rsip-range tgcp-only
mgcp behavior comedia-role none
mgcp behavior comedia-check-media-src disable
mgcp behavior comedia-sdp-force disable
mgcp profile default
sccp local Loopback254
sccp ccm 10.*.*.12 identifier 1 version 7.0
sccp ccm 10.*.*.142 identifier 2 version 7.0
sccp ccm group 100
associate ccm 2 priority 1
associate ccm 1 priority 2
associate profile 1 register Site1_XCD
associate profile 2 register Site1_CFB
keepalive retries 5
switchover method immediate
switchback interval 15
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
codec g729r8
maximum sessions 1
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 2 conference
codec g729br8
codec g729r8
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions 4
associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 1 pots
trunkgroup SRST_PSTN
description Inbound Calling
incoming called-number .
dial-peer voice 911 pots
trunkgroup SRST_PSTN
description 911 or 9911
destination-pattern 9%911
forward-digits 3
dial-peer voice 11 pots
trunkgroup SRST_PSTN
destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]......$
forward-digits 11
dial-peer voice 1011 pots
trunkgroup SRST_PSTN
destination-pattern 9011T
prefix 011
dial-peer voice 10 pots
trunkgroup SRST_PSTN
destination-pattern 9[2-9]..[2-9]......$
forward-digits 10
dial-peer voice 88 pots
description Paging
destination-pattern *88
port 0/0/2
dial-peer voice 101 voip
preference 1
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:10.*.*.142
incoming called-number *88
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip options-keepalive
dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
no vad
dial-peer voice 102 voip
preference 2
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:10.*.*.12
incoming called-number *88
voice-class codec 1
voice-class sip options-keepalive
dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
no vad

max-conferences 8 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ip source-address 10.*.*.254 port 2000
max-ephones 100
max-dn 100 dual-line
system message primary <name> Fallback Mode
transfer-pattern ....
transfer-pattern ..........
translation-profile incoming srst
moh enable-g711 ""
multicast moh port 16384 route 172.*.*.3
time-zone 5

NAME: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard on Slot 0 SubSlot 0", DESCR: "2nd generation four port FXO voice interface daughtercard"
PID: VIC2-4FXO , VID: V04 , SN: FOC18073W7D

NAME: "VWIC3-4MFT-T1/E1 - 4-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - T1/E1 on Slot 0 SubSlot 1", DESCR: "VWIC3-4MFT-T1/E1 - 4-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - T1/E1"
PID: VWIC3-4MFT-T1/E1 , VID: V01 , SN: FOC17481877

NAME: "PVDM3 DSP DIMM with 32 Channels on Slot 0 SubSlot 4", DESCR: "PVDM3 DSP DIMM with 32 Channels"
PID: PVDM3-32 , VID: V01 , SN: FOC17456GXY

4 Replies 4

I can see Conference, transcoder and SRST configuration on the shared gateway. You  must check on CUCM if they are used. Check the SRST configurations, conference and transcoder on CUCM.

Response Signature

There is no command on the router itself that you can use to see if it’s in use by something. What you need to do is check in CM if the IP or name of the media resources are being referenced by any devices. For the SRST part you’d be looking at SRST references in CM and for the media resources you’d be looking at transcoders and conference bridge. There are also a couple of dial peers, 101 and 102, that reference something external, check what they point to.

What you can check in the router itself is if the ISDN circuit is operational, if you have that. You’ll do that by show isdn status. You can also check whether the media resources are registered to your CM. You’ll do that by show sccp.

Response Signature

You could try running some reports in CAR to see if any calls are getting routed to this gateway. You could also turn on some debugging to see if the gateway sees any activity that way. I would assume this is located at a site remote from the CUCM, or perhaps there is only a single CUCM. The comments also make me think it is configured as a local 911 gateway. A really low tech way to see if it COULD do anything is to plug a phone into the phone lines connected to the FXO card. If they are dead, then the router couldn't do anything. @Roger Kallberg and @Nithin Eluvathingal are both correct about the CUCM media resources. Are they reigstered? Are they referenced by any MRG/MRGL's? Is there an SRST reference defined for this gateway that is referenced in a device pool?

Thank you so much everyone for your astute observations and suggestions. I will see what I can do from a CUCM perspective and update later. Thanks again everyone!