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COBRAS Export for Connection

Level 3
Level 3

I am trying to export message from Unity Conn 8.6 to a local disk but everytime I get the following errors. It happens only when I select the option to export the messages. I can export all other things such as subscribers, call handlers etc. I am  using administrator account (no voicmail box). Does anybody has solution to this problem?

[Thread 001], [13/10/31 08:43:29], Checking to see if WAV file download functionality works, this may take a moment...

[Thread 001], [13/10/31 08:43:29], Checking IMAP connectivity capability before starting export.

[Thread 001], [13/10/31 08:44:29], (error) Failed establishing IMAP connection for message backup. Client error=Failed to attach to Connection server on port 7993 for IMAP login in AttachViaImap. Client error=ChilkatLog:


DllDate: Aug 5 2012


Username: DCA033501:xxxxxxx

Architecture: Little Endian; 32-bit

Language: .NET 4.0

VerboseLogging: 0

hostname: 10.x.x.x

port: 7993

ConnectTimeoutMs_1: 60000

calling ConnectSocket2

IPV6 enabled connect with NO heartbeat.

This is an IPV4 numeric address...



ai_flags: 4

ai_family: 2

ai_socktype: 1

ai_protocol: 0

ai_addrlen: 16

ai_canonname: (NULL)



Connect using IPV4.

ipAddress1: 10.x.x.x

timeout waiting for connect to complete

numSec: 0

numMicroSec: 766000

HostOrIpAddress: 10.x.x.x

SocketHandle: 0xa7c

sockError: 10022

Connect function failed..

SocketError: WSAEINVAL An invalid argument was supplied.

failReason: 7

connect failed.



22 Replies 22

Can I use COBRAS to move everything except voice messages between Unrestricted and Restricted versions?

yes, all other data comes in via ODBC or via HTTP (greetings/voice names and such come via HTTP downloads) which are not locked down on the unrestricted version.

be sure to use the updated builds of COBRAS I mentioned above that are currently on the temporary download page (we'll be moving them to the main page this weekend):


Hi Lindborg,

Now I am on this situation,

I have Unity 8.6 unrestricted Version. After reading this thread, I use /UseCUMI to run COBRAS and got following error, if I don't select "Include Voice Messages" then works fine every time. Please help me I need to Backup voice messages as well..


[Thread 001], [16/11/20 11:21:40], Checking to see if WAV file download functionality works, this may take a moment...

[Thread 001], [16/11/20 11:22:14],     Checking CUMI connectivity capability before starting export.

[Thread 001], [16/11/20 11:22:27], Connected to server for CUPI functionality using SSL3

[Thread 001], [16/11/20 11:22:27], (error) failed to log into Connection server via CUMI using the login credentials provided:Login failed to Connection server: Details=    WebCallResults contents:

    URL Sent:

    Method Sent: GET

    Body Sent:

    Success returned: False

    Status returned -1:-1

    Error Text: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

    Raw Response Text: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel

    Total object count: 0

    Status description: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel


[Thread 001], [16/11/20 11:22:43], Unable to log into Connection to extract messages.  Review the output below and the help file for details and troubleshooting steps.

as a side note, tossing a question into the middle of a long thread like this is a good way to have it be missed... 

This is not actually related to that command line but some security updates Microsoft has recently started rolling out on Windows that restricts older SSL3 HTTPS connections (used by CUMI for versions of Connection older than 10) - I have a patched version of COBRAS export I just posted - 8.0.75 - which you can download off my temp page here:

it should force the SSL3 attachment to go through when attaching to Connection versions older than 10.0 which use TLS.

Great, Looks it is working now. Thanks Lindborg!!!

Hi Mate,


Could I have this same Unrestricted 8.6 export unrestricted COBRAS available again?




I know this is a very old and marked as solved post, but thought it would be good to add what is needed for this to work in CUC 12 and later. For that the CUC needs to be set to use encryption from the CLI, by default this is disabled.


To turn it on make sure that Export Control is allowed in the license manager and that encryption is turned on from CLI with the command "utils cuc encryption enable".


For more details on this please see this post. Unity Connection 12 secure IMAP (port 7993) not working 

Response Signature

HI @Roger Kallberg  i tried enabling encryption and now i get this error


I am using COBRA tool to consolidate 14SU3 Unity Cluster. SO i want to migrate Cluster A to already existing Cluster B

While doing Export from Cluster A i get below error when i select checkbox "Include Voice messages"


Thread 001], [24/07/24 05:15:43], Checking IMAP connectivity capability before starting export.
[Thread 001], [24/07/24 05:15:43], (error) Failed establishing IMAP connection for message backup. Client error=Failed to connect to Connection mailstore with super user IMAP access in AttachViaImap. IMAP Client error=ChilkatLog: