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Member since ‎07-27-2006

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We are trying to get our 3845 to handle video calls. We meet the Cisco prerequisites.Downgrading the Polycom speed to 2x64 and it works, when bumping the speed up to 256/384 it wont establish the connection.Do we need to create ISDN pools or somethin...
Our VC units use ISDN links, we'd rather utilise the 3800 router to terminate VC IP end points. Can this be done? Polycom VC Units3800 - Cisco IOS Software, 3800 Software (C3845-SPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(8d), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)Thanks for your...
We are currently using 3560's, we are having intermitant connections drop off, is there a tool or debug I can run on an effected link to try accertain what is going on. The interfaces are dropping off maybe once a day, 3-5 interfaces on a single swit...
We are using 3560's. Switches are split with 5 VLans. On one particular vlan we have had several users connections just drop off for a few minutes, then reconnect, this happens throughout the day. I've failed to see what is causing this, any ideas?I ...
Our router (2800) 'int g0/0' is hard set to 'FULL duplex' and 'Speed 100', this is connected to our backbone switch (4503), our issue is when we set the port on the 4503 to 'Duplex Auto' and 'Speed Auto' it sets itself at 'HALF duplex' and 'Speed 100...
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Member Since ‎07-27-2006 08:09 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 20