Vitthal Thutte
Level 1
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Member since ‎11-06-2020

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  • 20 Posts
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Hi Team,We are using Jabber version 14.1. Agent Using finesse & other applications like CRM, tax portal. When they toggling to CRM window or TAX window  they not able to see the active call time. To see the active call time, they need to open jabber....
We have ECE 12.5 collocated deployment. Is there any way to send/receive ECE chat transcript over mail for supervisor?  
I installed ECE 12.5 setup (Web server on 1 VM & remaining in other VM) as Collocated Deployment. Installation is completed successful on all the 4 VM (Side A & B). I started the configuration on webserver but i unable to find Integration under parti...
We are getting below error while adding trigger 10.9191 in VVB 12.5 but at the same time we are able to add trigger 109191. " Invalid Trigger Name. Please enter a valid trigger name." Seems wildcard period causing error. How to resolve the error?
I am checking compatibility of CUIC 12.0 with UCCE 11.5 and 12.5. In Cisco compatibility matrix its show value as blank & i not able to understand what it mean. In compatibility matrix its shown 3 value (N, Y & blank). What is meaning of blank>  
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Member Since ‎11-06-2020 08:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎12-13-2023 12:56 AM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 30
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