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Member since ‎04-23-2021

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  • 50 Posts
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Hello all,We have a cisco jabber and cisco ip phone configured with a shared line (same extension )I would like to know is there any way  both devices must ring simultaneously and i choose where to pick up from.Thank you in advance Best regards 
Hello ,I need your help .I have a problem : One way audio only on external call with cisco jabber  , but on internal calls it works fine without problem , i use I headphones on cisco jabber .How can i solve this issue ? Could you help me please. Best...
Hello , I have a cluster contains: CUCM01 , CUCM02, IM Presence 01 and IM Presence 02  with version 14.0.1The backup not passed     it give me this message : unable to contact server. master or local agent could be down , on IM Presence 01 and IM Pre...
Hello all, I have a Cisco IM and presence  v14.0.1 , but i can't start service cisco sync agent , do you have any idea to solve this problem ? Could you help me please Best regards  
Hello all, I have a certificates expired in cucm , cuc and im and presence  , I renewed them with self signed for : tomcat ,callmanager, CAPF , TVS and Ipsec , all is ok now , but i have a notifications  for callmanager-ECDSA , and tomcat-ECDSA , cup...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-23-2021 09:08 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-07-2024 01:09 AM
Posts 50