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Member since ‎06-16-2005

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Hi, I have the following:ISR4331 - 100 phones SRST capacityVG450 - 144 SCCP configured for analog basic phones40 x Cisco 8851We configured all 8851 in a device pool with ISR4331 as SRST reference.  We configured all VG450 ports (except two) in a diff...
Hi, I have the following:CUCM (ES03-36)IM&P The chat in Finesse desktop is working when we had a user manually, i.e entering the user@domain in the search field.  But if we want to do a LDAP dire...
Hi, We want to give an agent the capabilty to do silent monitoring on another agent, without giving the first agent the supervisor role.  Somebody knows a way to do that? Thanks in advance!
Hi, I want to give permissions to user so it can be able to generate CDR reports in CUCM, but only that.  What are the minimum Access Control Groups/ Roles that I have to give to the user?  I do not want to give the user admin access. Thanks!
I have a CUCM cluster with two servers.  When we configure the system to use the media ressources of the subscriber for conferencing, everything works fine.  But when we configure the system to use the publisher, we get a busy tone when we try to add...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-16-2005 09:27 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-02-2023 12:02 AM
Posts 20
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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