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Member since ‎06-17-2008

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Hi All, i have th problem in the call called the number is addeed in my call called for exemple. Called call :phone number  0661479638 to number interne 0537543175. but in the IPPHONE i see the my number 00661479638. i need to assit me to resolve thi...
Hello All,I have thye solution the cisco LMS, i have the problem in the solution. the LMS not loading the operting system.please the response me if have any solution.thanks in advanced. Best regardsHafid 
I have problem the CUCM sync with LDAP is affect succe but not seeing the new users and don't seeing update End user.I adding new users in AD but not see this users in CUCM.but sync with LDAP is affect success.version CUCM is
Hi all,I generate the certificate per usb token, but this certificate is to expire in two weeks.question :do I need to use the usb token for generate the certaficats or not.Thanks for your helps.Best regardsHafid
Hi all,I have ACS version WLC version7.already I create new database in ACS Local and I integrate the ACS with AD to use the local and AD simultaneously.Now,all the users can authenticate to wired and wireless devicesThe issue is that I ...
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Member Since ‎06-17-2008 04:44 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-21-2021 02:25 PM
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