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Member since ‎08-15-2012

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With more CCX agents working from home we are seeing issues that are typically network related.  Usually surrounding the agent status getting stuck or not updating at all.After reviewing plenty of logs it is usually determined to be a networking issu...
I searched the forums and I didn't see this come up.  I have a client with over 150 site specific schedules and most are linked to several holiday schedules.  Some of the holiday schedules are old, and some active schedules don't have associated holi...
According to instructions (  I am supposed to post here if an account is not available after 24 hours: My customer's a...
I have a CUCM currently sync'ing users via AD.  A subsidiary company will also reside on this CUCM but have their own AD forest with a trust relationship.  From what I can tell, I need LDS to do this:
The BackgroundI'm a VOIP admin with the DOD, so we prefer to restrict settings.The phones connected to our CUCM our geographically separated (across the nation) and we rely on local support for touch maintenance.Too often, something in the local netw...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-15-2012 11:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-05-2020 10:32 AM
Posts 34
Total Helpful Votes Received 45