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Member since ‎09-28-2006

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I'm currently extending our archive record loops and I'm starting to wornder what kind of percent of total disk capacity I should leave as available capacity once i'm done with all of the cameras.  I'm working with a 24TB server which is actually 21....
I've been working with AT&T to bring up a new ISP router with 2 T1 circuits. We keep running into the problem of the serial links showing admin up protocol down even when I am plugged into the demarc. So I know it isn't an inside wiring issue. Bel...
I have a couple of FXS cards which allow calls to be sent to a stand alone IVR server. I'm trying to find a way to get a call count, successfule or not, sent to the router bound for the server. Since the only listing of the card is voice-port and t...
I have built up phone to be used during video arraignment by in-custodies. I want to disable all of the button funtions. I have already set up the phones in their search spaces to auto dial it's sister phone. At the bottom of the phone configurati...
We currently have a seperate DSL line connected to a Linksys wireless router/switch for public use. We were given an 1130AG access point and would like to find a way to use a switch port off of the Linksys to connect to the FA port on the 1130AG and...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-28-2006 09:25 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-09-2017 02:17 PM
Posts 42