Diana Karolina Rojas
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee
Member since ‎11-02-2015

User Statistics

  • 1138 Posts
  • 161 Solutions
  • 253 Helpful votes Given
  • 2749 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Good afternoon commmunity,   We are having troubles with a SG220 device. We have two switches a SG200 and a SG220, when we applied the configuration (that you can see attached to this case) to the SG200 device it work perfectly, but when we try to re...
Buenos días comunidad   Tenemos un router branch que tiene una ACL con logs habilitados, la cuestión es: cuando un paquete coincide con un statement y se generan los logs, muestra los octetos de todas las IP exactamente al revés, es decir, si la IP...
Good morning community,   We have a branch router that has an ACL with logs enabled, the thing is: when a packet is matched with an statement and the logs is generated, it shows the octects of all IPs exactly upside down, I mean if the source ip is: ...
Hello Community,   We have 10 Catalyst 9500, all of them have smart account license scheme. That devices come with Advantage Evaluation licences by default (both, the one of the device and the one of DNA suscription) and have 20 days left before the ...
Hello community,   We are having the next problem: We are trying to add a new SPA (SPA-5X1GE-V2) by OIR, but the ASR doesn't detect the new card, it doesn't go up.   RTTMCPDCOR01#sh hw-module all fpd ==== ====================== ====== ===============...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎11-02-2015 07:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-07-2024 01:56 AM
Posts 1,138
Total Helpful Votes Received 2749
Cisco Designated VIPs
2018 Spanish WAN
Cisco Designated VIPs
2019 Switching, Spanish, Routing
Cisco Designated VIPs
2021 Spanish, Switching
Community Spotlight Award
Premio "El Favorito" Febrerodel 2017.
Community Spotlight Award
Spanish Member's Choice, February 2017
Community Spotlight Award
Spanish Community Member's Choice, February 2020
Community Spotlight Award
English Community Questions Answered, November 2020