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Level 4
Member since ‎09-24-2008

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Here is what we are trying to do.  We need to make sure that all outbound calls out of a particular gateway have a calling number inside a certain range of DID numbers.  If the calling number is within the range, we want the call to go out unaltered....
With the TFTP Proxy feature added in CUCM 8.6(2), has anyone figured out what happens if the same device is configured on two different clusters?  Pre-8.6, CUCM had an ordered list of Alternate Cisco File Locations, so the first cluster on the list t...
CUCM 9.1 system using 8945 phones.  I built a custom phone service to facilitate Extension Mobility login.  Because the system is AD/LDAP integrated, I created a menu that let's the user select their username from a list.  So the service points to a ...
OK, this is a weird one.  Also, I should note that this was tested under 7.1.3 and seems to have broken under 8.6.1.  We want to route calls between UC sites on-net seamlessly, meaning we don't want users to have to dial differently when dialing betw...
I have two C220-M3 servers and I am experiencing this on both, so I have to wonder if I'm doing something wrong.  Right now, on both servers, when I boot them to the initial screen "Press <F2> to enter setup, <F6> Boot Menu, <F8> CIMC Config, <F12> N...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-24-2008 09:09 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-02-2017 02:41 PM
Posts 484
Total Helpful Votes Received 416