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Member since ‎07-02-2010

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I have a use case where I want to assign role to users in AWS Console but also provide access key and secret key with configurable timeout on AWS CLI for users to leverage the CLI can that be possible with Duo?
Hi  I have this primary configuration on the primary CSR Router in the HA mode in same AZ but I am not seeing failover  to secondary CSR I am seeing on the backup router that the API call was successful. 10   10     Actv success  Thu Jun 9 18:13:5...
Hi, I am working to set up HA for Cisco CSR in a single AZ and I wanted to verify the configuration for the EEM applet which I did pasted is the sample configuration. Since the AWS CSR has two interface one public and one private where the instance...
I have a router with the following configuration and i am not seeing any NAT Translation can you please let me know where is the mistake. The inside interface is Gigabit Ethernet 2.  I am natting to interface Tunnel0 ip ad...
I have the following configuration  I have configured PBR on the LAN interface stating that any traffic with this source should go through the tunnel interface also I want that that source to be Natted. For example the internal host is ...
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Member Since ‎07-02-2010 05:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
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