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Member since ‎09-12-2003

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Hi all,   I'm trying to configure a CCX 11.5 with a Social Miner 11.6 (both not installed by me) to achieve mail management. Everything looks good from the Social Miner side and from the CCX side, no errors. On the Finesse I always get the message "C...
Hi all, I have a 2951 configured with subinterfaces (for the inside networks) and NAT.Outside NAT is working just fine but inside NAT is not working and I have no clue...configs:interface GigabitEthernet0/0 ip address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ...
Hi all,Running CCX 8.0.2 enhanced  and the reports are showing reason code 0 times for the agents, I can't find any info on reason code 0.Can anyone help?Regards,
Hi all,I need to change the default prompts on CCX 8.0.2 in situations like:On a menu if a caller presses a wrong digit or if it doesn't press a digit.What I get is an english prompt "Are you still there". I have everything working on a language that...
Hi all,I need a solution for this implementation:2 sites2 internet connections each site (different providers)1 ASA in each siteI need a config that allows me to have redundant VPN connections from one site to the other. I need to have a VPN up using...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-12-2003 06:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2021 10:44 PM
Posts 98
Total Helpful Votes Received 15
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