Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎12-02-2009

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  • 252 Posts
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  • 5 Helpful votes Given
  • 46 Helpful votes Received
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When I enter the command:snmp-server view ISO iso includedWhat MIB is "iso"? For example, I believe "internet" is:'m not sure about "iso" though.
Is it possible to have both Open and Enhanced open (OWE) on the same WLAN?Like how you can enable WPA2 and WPA3 on a WLAN, I would like to enable OWE and still support older clients that don't support WPA3 OWE.Thanks!
I have some guest clients that are having to re-webauth every time they boot up or resume from sleep. I'm wondering if there is a CLI setting in Mobility Express that I can use to modify this behavior. Ideally, I'd like the controller to remember gue...
WS-C3850-12X48U running 16.9.5I added all ports to the Application Visibility enabled column but I'm not seeing any AVC/NBAR data.Tried rebooting the switch but still no data.Does it take a while to show up or is there something wrong with my config?...
I have an Xbox 360 that will not connect to wireless.Cisco 3802E running Mobility Express have reset the AP to factory defaults and configured only the minimum amount of settings and it still will not connect.I don't see any way to get lo...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-02-2009 06:14 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-13-2021 07:57 PM
Posts 252
Total Helpful Votes Received 46
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