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Member since ‎01-08-2015

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Hi, Current  we are on Finesse 10.5ES(3) Version, when i run show tech version i am seeing the version of tomcat as 6.0.29, is this the version of the tomcat itself? Also please let me know if there is a way to upgrade the tomcat to the different ver...
Hello,We are planning to put CUIC real-time reports for Agents as well as supervisors within the finesse desktop, As the CUIC realtime reports refreshes for every short duration, does this cause any issues to the CPU of the CUIC? I would like to unde...
Hello All,I am trying to update the SIP Headers P-Asserted-Identity value. i have configured that in Ops Console, i can read its corresponding value in ICM, but unable to update it in ICM, if there is any syntax please let me know.Thanks,Srinivas
Hello,We wanted to monitor CVP , I wanted to know if there is any document that could help in choosing what error messages can be looked to find the status of the Call Server-Sri
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Member Since ‎01-08-2015 12:15 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 13
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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