Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎02-18-2010

User Statistics

  • 17 Posts
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  • 16 Helpful votes Given
  • 10 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hello, We have te following configuration. Webex workspaces with room device (desk pro / room bar etc) + room navigator. The room device is in MTR mode.  We want to enable checkin / checkout but these options are greyed out. I also cannot find the op...
Hello, On an CUCM you can configure an custom WebURL on an Hardphone button. When you press this button, the weburl is triggered. Is this also possible on an Hardphone on the Webex Calling platform? I cannot find an option for this.
Hello, When you use the Click-to-call feature on an Windows PC with Webex: for example use one of the commands below: tel:+31612345678 webextel:+31612345678 Build a Click-to-Call Shortcut Using Adaptive Cards in Webex | Webex Developers Blog You get ...
just because I'm curious Is there an way to check what the number of lifetime handled calls are for an CUCM 12.5 ?
Hello, We want to do the following:- When an call arrives open an HTTP url; Content type: application/JSONurl: https://example/user/callidbody:{"phoneNumber": "${fromAddress}"} the API will send an response.Can we display the response in Finesse with...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎02-18-2010 02:21 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-25-2024 01:48 AM
Posts 17
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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