Alexander Belonogov
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Member since ‎03-01-2010

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     In my VC network I faced with problem: bad picture from participants. I tried to find issue and now I know a maximal packet size to MCU is 104 bytes.Pinging from Cisco router (default gateway for this MCU):#ping size 104Type escape seq...
Hi,We purchased some HWIC-4ESW modules for our 2811. I installed two on the Cisco 2811 router.On the router I configure interface VLAN 1 with IP-address I used on laptop like default gateway.From my laptop I can ping gateway only if I connected to fi...
Hi,on my 7604 router with 720sup I have next trouble. After router reboot it can not be loaded.By DATA-port I recieved following:System Bootstrap, Version 8.4(2) ReleaseCopyright (c) 1994-2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 5242...
In additional to (can not answer in time).We have LMS 2.6.In our net  we use CISCO routers 2811 and Interface type Tunnel was configured on  it. So IP address of this tunnel-interface is not reachable fr...
We have LMS 2.6.In our net we use CISCO routers 2811 and Interface type Tunnel was configured on it. So IP address of this tunnel-interface is not reachable from CiscoWorks-server. DFM has showed alerts for this trouble and we changed Management Stat...
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Member Since ‎03-01-2010 08:41 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 19
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