Steven Johnston
Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎03-21-2011

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  • 38 Posts
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  • 30 Helpful votes Given
  • 25 Helpful votes Received
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Having deployed a number of C8000 series devices as SDWAN devices an enabled firewall functionality. It seems there is no way to dig into the logs via vManage, unless i am missing something. I can see the inspect/drop graphs in the security monitorin...
Is there a preferred way to bypass some traffic from being sent to SIG? Since all traffic is being sent to SIG, we have a need to bypass traffic to specific destinations  
I have a call queue set up in WebEx, with receptionists logged into the broadcloud reception web client + desk phone  When calls come into the queue, only the desk phone can accept the call, there is no "ANS" button in the web console but I can see t...
From the perspective of an external user on the internet who is provided with a web link to join a CMS space as a webrtc guest. On clicking the link they are resolving a DNS A record that resolves to several expressway servers (cluster) Generally spe...
I am in the middle of deploying a 3 node cms cluster. Callbridge, webbridge, xmpp, turn services.  I've also deployed tms, expressway-c and a number of room systems and integrated cms with cucm, tms etc.  Everything is working as expected internally,...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-21-2011 03:04 PM
Date Last Visited ‎01-15-2023 02:48 AM
Posts 38
Total Helpful Votes Received 25