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Member since ‎07-07-2009

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We have moved to CenturyLink SIP from ATT PRI. The original setup was CS2100 with ATT PRI trunks, TIE trunks to CUCM for all inbound/outbound calls.NOW, all inbound/outbound go through SIP on the CUCM. All calls to/from the CS2100 now flow through th...
We are working to replace OPX lines we have to a local hospital. Currently we have 1 setup between the CUCM release 10 that is using a VG204. This setup is a VG204 at the remote site where we have a local LAN connection. It is plugged into an AVAYA I...
Has anyone configured a Q-sys softphone third party SIP device? There isnt much on their site and I found an older DOC that steps us through it, but it will not register. Not much to configure in the APP itself. We have a user and a separate Device s...
I have been working to update all of our phones before the upgrade to 10.5. What I ran into was... I updated the 8831 on the LAB system running 10.5.It had the interim load of sip8831.9-3-3-TO-10-3-1 on the phone prior to upgrading. (cmterm-8831-sip....
We have a user, (yes one of those), that wants the phone to keep the Call Forward number after it has been used once. i.e.:I press call forward all, I want the last number to populate so I do not have to remember it.
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Member Since ‎07-07-2009 12:39 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-26-2022 12:03 AM
Posts 39
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