Robert Ho
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Member since ‎04-22-2008

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Hi, we have a Nexus 9508 with a 36-Port 40GE module (N9K-X9636PQ).The servers, with 10GE SFP+ optics, are too far to use the 5m passive breakout cable.Does the 40GE modules support the QSA module(CVR-QSFP-SFP10G) so that we can connect a 10GE SFP+ op...
Does anyone have a estimated date for when dual supervisors in the same chassis for VSS will be supported?Will it also be safe harbor? If not, also an estimated date for that? Thanks!
Does the BVI have to be on the same subnet as the nodes on the Inside interface?We'd like to place the ASA between two routers with a /29 in between them and put the BVI on the same subnet.The servers would be behind one of the routers (L3 switch) on...
I try to SSH and get access denied.I try to ASDM and get "Unable to launch device manager from"I think I am missing something. Software is 8.4(5) and running in Transparent Mode.Inside/Outside are in bridge-group 1. No BVI is configure...
We have 9 x 3750x switches with 5-nonPOE and 5-POE.There is a limitation with 4 POE per stack with Stack Power.Can we combine all 9 to one stack since there are only 4 POE?Or, is the 4-switch limitation applied regardless if they are mixed with POE a...
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Member Since ‎04-22-2008 05:00 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-01-2023 09:25 AM
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