Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎05-07-2004

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  • 249 Posts
  • 17 Solutions
  • 31 Helpful votes Given
  • 93 Helpful votes Received
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Does anyone know to extract information from the WAE's, other then through the awful WAAS manager GUI?I'm in particular interrested in extracting the content of "sh stat con | in Active". I would prefer SNMP since our management and alarm server obvi...
Have anyone ever found out how to get the resultat of the "show voice call status" through SNMP?I'm in particular interrested in getting the number of active calls reported for statistically purposes.I've tried searching google and I haven't found an...
I just upgraded my C2650XM to IOS 12.4(9)T1 because I had instability problems with the old 12.4(4)XC2, the router had to be manualy rebooted from time to time.This seems to be solved in the new IOS, however now I'm not able to make outgoing calls on...
Could anyone point me to some documentation on supported Wall-mount patch antenna for the HWIC-AP-G-E card?I found this one "AIR-ANT3549", but it seems to have been EOL announced.Any help appricieted.
Could any one help me out here. I'm totally lost.I can't get the dhcp server to work, infact I can't even ping the routers LAN IP. However I have a cabled PC on Fast0 and a laptop on the wireless, and they are infact able to ping each other.Here is t...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎05-07-2004 04:38 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-18-2020 02:06 AM
Posts 249
Total Helpful Votes Received 93
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